
7B Unit3 Welcome to Sunshine Town 表格式教案(8课时)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:26次 大小:152543Byte 来源:二一课件通
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英语课堂教学设计方案 初一年级7B教案 总 课 题 7B Unit 3 Welcome to Sunshine Town 总课时 8 第1课时 课 题 Comic strip and welcome to the unit 课型 New 教学目标 知识目标 To enable students to introduce the activities in the city. 能力目标 To enable students to introduce the activities in the city. 情感目标 Students are led to greet friends from foreign countries. 教学重点 To enable students to introduce the activities in the city. 教学难点 To enable students to introduce the activities in the city. 教学准备 Tape recorder, Computer, Pictures Read the words and the text. 课前预习 Preview the new words. 学情分析 The topic of this un it is “Welcome to Sunshine Town”. In this period, we will learn how to introduce all kinds of activities in the city. We will lead students to introduce how to greet friends from other countries and areas. 教学过程 教学环节 教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 设计意图 Step1 Presentation Step2 Practice Step3. Presentation Step4:PracticeStep5:Comic stripStep 6Exercise Step 7Homework Have a free talk.If your friends come to visit you, what will you invite them to do Do you have any good ideas 2. Present some pictures of Zhenjiang to help students. Ask students to work in pairs to give suggestions. Present a picture of Sunshine Town. Tell students there are many things to do and many interesting places to visit in the town.Present some pictures and places.3. Guide students to complete A on Page 31.4. Practice “I love/like/enjoy…1. Play the recording of Part B. Enable them to understand it. 2. Ask students to do the matching exercise.3. Play again and let students read after the tape.Present the pictures and learn new words.Ask them to l isten to Eddie and Hobo’s conversation and answer the questions.a. Is there any food in the fridge b. Where does Eddie want to buy food c. How many tins of dog food can they buy with five yuan d. What does Eddie want to do with five yuan e. Do you think he can order a pizza Ask them to read the dialogue.Practise the dialogue and act it out.Show some exercises to ask students to complete them 1. Copy the new words twice.2. Complete the exercises in your workbook. Have a free talkLook at the pictures and share the answersList the activities and the places as many as possible.Work in pairs.Look at the pictures and say something about plete A.Practice in pairsListen carefully and try to understand the dialogue.Do the matching exercise.Read after the tapeLearn new wordsListen to the conversation and try to answer the questionsRead the dialogue and try to act it out in pairs.Do the exercisesFinish the homework in time Collect the information they have got and share the information.Use pictures to arouse the interest of learningEncourage students to practice spoken English.Practice speaking skills.Encourage students to speak more.Understand the dialogue by listening.As a seventh grade student, we should give them enough time to practice reading English and give them more chances to act out the dialogue.Consoli ... ...

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