
Unit 7 Protect the earth 课件+教案+音视频

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:92次 大小:45245313Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Find homes 为右边的事物找到家 is/are the home for… sky Protect the Earth Unit 7 保护 The Earth is our only home We should protect the Earth Skimming: skim the headlines and tick Q: What should we do to protect the Earth (A)Save water (B)Save energy (C)Save trees (E)Don’t use too much plastic We should (not)… 能源 塑料 (D)Don’t throw rubbish (快速浏览课文的小标题,选出保护地球的几个方面) (F)Grow more trees We shouldn’t Water is useful. Save water We drink water and use water to clean things every day. In many places, there is not much water. We should not waste water. We should reuse and save it. Scanning 读第一段 What do we use water to do We use water to_____. … Water is _____. (有用的) waste浪费 save节约 reuse …to 水枪大战 waste浪费 save节约 reuse should should not Water is useful. Save water We drink water /and use water/ to clean things/ every day. In many places, there is not much water. We should not waste water. We should reuse and save it. Let’s read . . . . . . . . . stress重音. pause断句/ A.能源 B.垃圾 C.养分 coal 煤炭 oil 石油 wind energy water energy nuclear energy核能 1. Most of our energy comes from .( ) A) coal and oil B) coal and paper C)oil and plastic 2. There is coal or oil on Earth.( ) much B) not much C) some 3.What should we do ( ) A) We should save energy. B) We should drive cars every day. C) We should not drive so much. Listen and choose听并选择 Most of our energy comes from .( ) A) coal and oil B) coal and paper C)oil and plastic 2. There is coal or oil on Earth.( ) A)much B) not much C) some 3.What should we do ( ) A) We should save energy. B) We should drive cars every day. C) We should not drive so much. Listen and choose听并选择 A B A ,C turn off the tap conveniently Take the bus or metro or ride bikes to work 乘公交车,地铁或者骑自行车去上班 turn off the lights when leaving a room … Discuss in pairs小组讨论 Energy is very precious. 能源是很宝贵的 The more we use, the less is left. 用得越多,就会越少! Most of our energy comes from _____ There is not much coal or oil on Earth. So, we should _____. We should not _____. Let’s retell (1)Trees come from wood. ( ) (2)We use wood to make tables, chairs and many other things.( ) (3)We should cut down too many trees.( ) Watch and judge 判断正误并修改。 (1)Trees come from wood. ( ) (2)We use wood to make tables, chairs and many other things.( ) (3)We should cut down too many trees.( ) T F F Wood comes from trees. We should not cut down too many trees. Watch and judge 判断正误并修改。 1.We use ____ to make tables, chairs and many other things. 2.We should not _____ too many trees. wood cut down Memory check记忆考验 Save water Save energy Save trees Don't use too much plastic How to protect the Earth Don’t use too much plastic Read and fill in the blanks 读并填空 We use to make bags and , but too much plastic is for the Earth. We use too many plastic bags or bottles. We should use bags and bottles. ... ...

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