
英语:unit 3 teenage problems单元测试(无答案)(牛津英语九年级上)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:88次 大小:14270Byte 来源:二一课件通
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本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网www.21cnjy.com Unit 3 Teenage problems 单元测试题 一、翻译词组   1. 吃太多_____ 2. 目前 _____   3. 密友_____ 4. 提前计划_____   5. 整天工作_____ 6. 准时交作业_____   7. 集中(精力)_____ 8. 放弃做某事 _____   9. 达成平衡_____ 10. 对……痴迷 _____   11. 对某人严格要求_____ 12. 感到压抑_____   13. 使我不开心_____ 14. 呆在外面很晚_____   15. 不时地_____ 16. 有我父母的支持_____   17. 关于星座的文章_____ 18. 为……感到自豪_____   19. 遭受……的痛苦_____ 20. 向某人征询意见_____    二、词汇   1. I saw them _____(吵架) with each other.   2. There are some interesting _____(文章) in the newspaper.   3. Work hard and you will _____(获得) great success.   4. He said he _____(认为) Audrey Hepburn the best actress.   5. This is one of his most useful _____(建议).   6. You are so nervous now. You should get _____(放松).   7. Don’t make a _____(结论) before you understand the problem.   8. It’s hard for him to make a _____(决定).   9. It’s kind of you to offer us such _____(有价值的) advice.   10. Failure is the mother of _____(成功).   11. _____(跑步) is good for you, I think.   12. Yesterday all the students were in bad _____(心情) because they lost the game.   13. Daniel has some problems _____(刷) the walls.   14. He spends lots of time _____(聊天) with his classmates.   15. Uncle Tom’s life is full of _____(忧愁).    三、选择   ( )1. I can’t decide _____ play football.   A. to when B. when C. when to D./   ( )2. Usually I get _____ homework.   A. too many B. too much C. much too D. many too   ( )3. Would you like _____ to drink No, thanks. I have drunk _____ already.   A. something; anything B. something; something   C. anything; something D. anything; anything   ( )4. The teacher gives me _____ learn English.   A. advice on how to B. advise on to   C. advices about how to D. advice about   ( )5.Kitty is _____ to be a dancer.   A. too happy B. too smart C. lazy enough D. creative enough   ( )6. My father would rather _____ than _____.   A. stay at home; to go out B. to stay at home; to go out   C. stay at home; go out D. to stay at home; go out   ( )7. Sandy prefers _____ to _____.   A. swimming; skate B. skating; swimming   C. swim; skate D. skate; swimming   ( )8. We should spend as much time as we can _____ English.   A. read B. to read C. readding D. reading   ( )9. If _____ can _____, I will give him a present.   A. anyone; cheer up her B. someones; cheer her up   C. anyone; cheer her up D. none; cheer up her   ( )10. Don’t worry. We have _____ friends at school.   A. so much B. so many C. such many D. such much   ( )11. I think it’s important to keep our classroom _____.   A. cleaning B. to clean C. clean D. cleaning and tidy   ( )12. Some students in our class have problems _____ English.   A. to learn B. in learn C. in learning D. learn   ( )13. I wish I _____ full marks in all exams.   A. wi ... ...

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