
Unit 4 Lesson 21 What is your club type?教案

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:56次 大小:121209Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 4 Lesson 21 What is your club type 教案 教学目标 1. Master the important phrases, sentences: What do you like to do What is your club type What club are you in 2. Understand the meaning of text. 3. Talking about personal interests. 教学重点 The meaning of text. 教学难点 Talking about personal interests. 教学用具 卡片、PPT 教学过程 Step 1.Analysis of the student. Ask some Ss talk about personal interests, and talk about after-school activities in English. Then the teachers introduce some interesting activities, make the Ss want to enjoy it. Step 2. Lead in.(引入) Greet the students in everyday English and make sure they can response correctly. Check the homework and explain if necessary. Teach the new words, make sure the Ss can read it correctly. Step 3. New lesson.(新课) No. 1 text: What club is right for you Read the following questions. Which answer describes you best Circle it. Then add up your score and find out your club type. Do you get enough exercise 2. What is your favourite school subject 3. What do you do on a cold and snowy day 4. You are going on a trip. But you can only take one thing with you. What do you take No. 2practice: What's your club type Interview your classmates and fill in the form. Name: What's is your club type What do you like to do Are you in a club now What club do you want to join Choose a club type and make an advertisement for it. Example: Art Club Do you like to draw or paint Join the Art Club! Drawing and painting is fun for everyone. Join us after school and have a great time. Step 4. Play the tape for the Ss to follow. Make the Ss listen the text, then let them read follow the tape. Step 5.Summary. (小结) Sum up the text what we learned, and the new words. Homework. Finish the activity book and the practice. Copy the words and phrases twice.

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