
Unit 2 My family PB Let’s learn 课件+素材

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:45次 大小:15901461Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件37张PPT。My Family B Let’s learnUnit 2Let's singfFamily, family, this is my family.Father and mother, I love youamilyFamllyAABCugly duckCCCome and see my family.Meet my familyLook. This is my sister.sister 姐,妹Who's that boy?brother 兄,弟He's my brother.This is my father’s mother. grandmother 口语:grandma 祖母,奶奶This is my mother’s mother. grandmother 口语:grandma 外祖母,外婆grandmother(grandma)祖母,外祖母 奶奶,外婆This is my father’s father. grandfather 口语:grandpa 祖父,爷爷This is my mother’s father. grandfather 口语:grandpa 外祖父,外公grandfather(grandpa)祖父,外祖父 爷爷,外公father, father ,he's my father. mother, mother, she's my mother. sister, sister, she's my sister. brother,brother,he's my brother. grandmother,grandmother, she's my grandmother. grandfather,grandfather, he's my grand father. Let's chant!↗↘↗↘↘↗↗↗↗↘↘↘火眼金睛grandpamothergrandmafathergrandpagrandmafathergrandpamothergrandmafathergrandmothergrandmothersisterbrothergrandmothergrandmothersistergrandmothergrandmothersisterbrothersistergrandpamotherwomangrandpamotherwomansistergrandpamotherwomanPlay a game 拍单词 每个小组派代表上台拍所听到的单词,并说出其中文意思,看谁动作快又准。family treeMike’s familyThis is my family. Mike’s family Hi, I’m Mike. This is my family. Look, this is my grandmother.This is my grandfather.This is my sister.This is my brother.This is my mother.This is my father. Hi, I’m Mike. This is my family. Look, this is my grandmother.This is my grandfather.This is me.Pair work 仿照Mike的方式用This is … 相互介绍自己的家庭成员。 如果带有照片的同学,可以利用自己家人的照片,用英语向小组成员介绍自己的家庭成员。Let's chantTest一.默写单词。 二.选出不同类的单词。 ( )1. A. mom B. he C. woman ( )2. A. dad B. mum C. man ( )3. A. brother B. father C. sister ( )4. A. family B. grandma C. grandpa ( )5. A. boy B. he C. she 三.选择。 ( ) 1.--____that man?--He’s my father. A. Where’s B. What’s C. Who’s ( ) 2.--Who’s that man ? -- ____my grandfather. A. He’s B. She’s C. He 本课小结(summary)一.我学会了六个家庭成员的单词。 grandfather (grandpa) grandmother (grandma) brother sister 二.我学会了介绍自己的家庭成员。 1.This is my family. 2.This is my …Homework:1. 听录音跟读本部分内容5遍。 2. 用英语向自己的朋友介绍自己的家庭成员。  

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