
Lesson 23 The internet--good or bad?教案1

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:29次 大小:120451Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Lesson 23 The internet--good or bad? 教案 1教学目标 1、知识与技能 (1)Read, understand and use the new words and phrases : advantage ,disadvantage ,simple, cause, less, aside, attack, web, steal, banking, properly in seconds, far away, aside from, take up (2)Understand the Adverbial Clause with “if”. 2、过程与方法 (1)To understand the text clearly. (2)Be able to describe good things or bad things about the Internet. 3、情感、态度与价值观 Treat and use the Internet correctly 2学情分析 学生语言组织能力比较差,随机应变能力弱。应该讲学习知识用于表达的句子中 3重点难点 重点 Describe good things or bad things about the Internet. 难点 Treat and use the Internet correctly 4教学过程 活动1【导入】创设情境 导入新课 教师活动 Ask the students two questions: 1. Where are Danny and Jenny from 2. How will we meet them when we can’t go to Canada 学生活动 All the students discuss them and answer the questions. 活动2【讲授】活动 探究 合作 交流 教师活动 Step1: There is a brainstorm. Let the students say something about the Internet. 学生活动 Step1:The students discuss the Internet with their classmates. Then make one students write them on the paper. Finally choose another student to show their ideas on the platform. 活动3【活动】活动 探究 合作 交流 教师活动 Step 2: The teacher says every coin has two sides. 学生活动 Step2: 1.The students says the Internet has advantages and disadvantages. II. The students discuss the topic with their classmates. Then make one students write them on the paper. Finally choose another student to show their ideas on the platform. II. Let the students talk about advantages and disadvantages of the Internet. 活动4【练习】应用 迁移 巩固 提高 教师活动 I. Ask the students a question: Should we use the Internet or not II. Make the students talk about how to use the Internet. 学生活动 I. The students answer the question. II. The students discuss the topic with their classmates. Then make one students write them on the paper. Finally choose another student to show their ideas on the platform. 活动5【活动】自主 反思 小结 归纳 知识小结 Mastery words and phrases: advantage ,disadvantage ,simple, cause, less, aside, attack, web, steal, banking, properly in seconds, far away, aside from, take up Adverbial Clause with “if”. 学法小结 Learn something about the Internet. Know the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet. Use the Internet correctly. 活动6【作业】作业布置 I. Interview your classmates how to use the Internet II. Write a passage about how to use the Internet.

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