

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:91次 大小:10471156Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件87张PPT。初中英语阅读课的理解和设计阅读课的要求 课例背景介绍 阅读教学分析 教学过程设计 教师课后反思 阅读课的要求 英语课程标准对学生的阅读提出了循序渐进的要求对阅读要求及内涵的理解直接影响英语教学实践 目前阅读教学的大部分时间都消耗在机械记忆上, 没有真正学到语言,更没有领会所读内容和交流技巧。 全面改观英语阅读教学需要深入研究阅读的概念及其培养途径,真正提升阅读教学的理解力、执行力和实践力。 课例背景介绍 教材的指导思想就是强调学习过程,体现语言学习的渐进性、实践行和应用性。 教学需要通过创设具体语境,设计循序渐进的语言实践活动,让学生在“用英语做事情”的过程中获得语言知识、发展语言运用能力。 教学需要关注语言学习策略和教学策略的培养,帮助学生提高英语学习效率。 学生学习过程需要有体验、实践、参与、探究和合作等方式感悟、发现并总结的语言学习规律。 阅读教学分析 读前活动读中活动读后活动 教学过程设计 (一) Unit 3 Go for it 7B How do you get to school?How do you get to school ?Is it easy or difficult for you to get to school ?Warming-up环节分析教师通过提问,让学生复习之前所学的各种交通方式。 通过问题: Is it easy or difficult for you to get to school? 引出词汇教学。 各种交通方式的复习,未打开思路,阅读铺垫未达成。villageHow do they get to school ?['v?l?d?]walk to schoolHow do they get to school ?There is a small river between their school and the village.[b?’twi:n] How do they get to school ?cross the river to schoolcross the bridge to school[kr?s] [br?d?]take a boat to schoolPre-reading 1 环节分析 借助图片,设置情境,引出词汇village, walk to school, 及句子There is a small river between their school and the village. take a boat / bridge / cross the river to school的教学。 How do they get to school ?There is no bridge.The river runs too quickly for boats.There is a very big river between their school and the village.How do they get to school ?ropeway['r??pwe?]What is it used for ? (有何用处)? 展示两张湍急河流的图片,引出文本中句子教学: There is a very big river between their school and the village. There is no bridge. The river runs too quickly for boats. Pre-reading 2 环节分析 展示溜索图片,让学生猜猜并完成新词汇ropeway的教学。思考绳索的用处,逐渐引入主题。 Crossing the River to School how to get to school. B. how to have a dream.Look at the title(标题) and guess What the passage is about ? 读标题,猜测文本主题。实现阅读策略的教学。Pre-reading 3 环节分析Pre-reading环节小结: 本环节,展示图片,设置情境,引入文本主题,完成重要词汇、短语和信息的学习。表面看,似乎为之后的阅读做了充分准备。 实质上只完成了教师的教学设计思路,学生被动接受。文本内容被提前讲解,学生的自主阅读、自主发现权利被剥夺,完全失去了阅读的意义。How?They go on a ropeway to cross the river to school.take a ropewayWhy ? They go on a ropeway to cross the river to school. There is a very big river between their school and the village.The river runs too quickly for boats. There is no bridge.“I love to play with my classmates. And I love my teacher. He’s like a father to me.”[?’fre?d]Liangliang is only a 11- year- old boy go on a ropeway to cross the river to school every day.Are they af ... ...

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