ID: 369006

牛津英语教案 5b module1 unit4(4)(沪教版)

日期:2025-02-02 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:62次 大小:13057B 来源:二一课件通
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本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网 The Fourth Period ( P18&19 ) Education Aims: 1. Being brave. 2. Using one’s brains. Teaching Aims: 1. Basic Aims: (1) Using the present simple tense to express simple truths. e.g. Jack sells their cow. (2) Learning the new words. e.g. giant 2.Developing Aims: Make a new story. Main and difficult points: 1. Identify main ideas. 2. Make a new story. Teaching Aids: Cassette player, multimedia. Teaching Procedure: Ⅰ.Pre-task preparation: 1. Song 《 Banks of the Sacramento 》 帮助学生进入学 2. Daily talk 习状态。 Ⅱ.While-task procedure: 1. Look and listen the story twice. 以多媒体出现画 T: Please answer my questions. 面引出故事内 (1) Are Jack and his mother poor or rich 容,让学生连续 ( Learn: poor, rich ) 听两遍,然后回 (2) What does Jack sell 答老师的问题。 ( Learn: sell ) 训练学生的听 (3) What does Jack buy 力表达能力和 (4) Does Jack climb up the beanstalk 理解能力,与此 ( Learn: up, down, beanstalk ) 同时,学习故事 (5) Is there a castle and a giant 中的新单词。 ( Learn: castle, giant ) (6) What does the giant do (7) What does Jack see ( Learn: goose, geese ) (8) What does the goose do (9) Does Jack take the goose (10) Jack cuts the beanstalk. Can the giant climb down (11) What does Jack have (12) How are Jack and his mother 2. Look and repeat the story. 通过重复句子, 刺激学生刚刚 回答过的问题。 3. Look and retell the story. 边看边复述故 事内容,帮助学 生巩固所学知 识,培养学生的 口头表达能力。 4. Song 《 What shall we do with the drunken sailor 》 Ⅲ.Post-task activities: 1. Look and complete ( P19 ) 文字与图形相 结合,培养学生 的学习兴趣。 2. Act out the story. 培养学生的表 演能力和连续 说话能力,同时 也是对本堂课 的情况进行反 馈。 3. Have a discussion in your group. Make the story with 学生可以用自 your own words. Then act it out. 己的语言来组 织这个故事,并 进行表演,培养 学生的思维能 力,丰富学生的 口头表达方式。 4. Look at some new pictures and make a new story. 培养学生看图 说话的能力。 Ⅳ.Assignment: 1. Do Work Book 5B page9. 2. Rewrite the story by yourself. 附:板书设计 Jack and the beanstalk poor – rich beanstalk goose sell – buy castle geese up – down giant 21世纪教育网 -- 中国最大型、最专业的中小学教育资源门户网站。 版权所有@21世纪教育网

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