
人教版(PEP)小学英语六年级下册 Revision Reading and writing 课件+教案+素材+练习

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:12次 大小:15949355Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    读写复习课教案 教学目标 学生能够根据要求完成阅读,并做出正确的选择或判断。 能够根据所给的信息,完成一篇书面表达。 通过一堂课的示范,能够从中学习到解题方法。 重难点: 重点: 1、学生能够根据要求完成阅读,并做出正确的选择或判断。 2、能够根据所给的信息,完成一篇书面表达。 难点: 1、学习到更好的解题方法 教学过程 Step 1 Warm-up (1).学生齐读复习资料《课前整理的复习资料》 (2).根据投影的提示,集体再次复习相关人物信息:家庭成员名称、职业、交通方式、爱好的词汇(为下文做准备) (3).Free talk: T: I am Shelley. I live in Hangzhou. I go to work by car. I like going hiking and listening to music. What about you Where do you live How do you come to school S1: I live in Fuyang. I come to school on foot. T: What does your father do How does he go to work S2: My father is a --. He goes to work by --.T: This is about your family. What about John’s family First, you can guess. Ss: guess. Step 2 Presentation Show a passage of John. encourage them to read it by themselves. Then try to choose the right answers. Ask Ss to answer the questions one by one.Underline the key sentences. 根据刚才的做题思落,请1-2位学生讲一讲:做阅读题我们应该注意什么阅读技巧。 教师总结4点阅读技巧 就刚才的文章,再让学生做一做3道判断题。(1分钟时间) 教师先做一个调查,判断“F”和“T”比例。请判断“F”的学生举手表示。 教师给出正确的答案,并帮助同学找出原因。阐述:平时这种题型就是要考验我们同学们是不是做到细心。所以认真审题非常的重要。 教师出示另一篇判断题,考考学生是不是再次做到。 学生做题,分析题目。 根据同样的文章,让学生回答老师的提问:1-5题,引出pen pal. Now Shelley is Alice’s new pen pal. Let’s write an e-mail to Alice. 学生看黑板跟老师一起写一写E-mail.教师边写边讲解书写的要求及注意事项。 学生根据要求写e-mail. 抽两个学生的作文进行当堂批改,一人读一句。最后老师讲解市里的评分标准。 Step 3 Homework 1.还没完成的学生继续完成e-mail.. 2.挑战另二篇阅读。(根据今天学到的阅读技巧,看看自己是不是正确率提高了很多) 板书设计: Revision Dear Alice, I am happy to have a new pen pal. I live in .I like . I go to school .My father is a /an . He . She . . .Class: Name: 一、Read and choose阅读选择 (一) Dear Peter, I’m happy to have a new pen pal in Australia. I live in China with my mom and dad, but I’m studying English. I often go to school by car with my mother. My mom is a music teacher in my school. She is tall and thin. She is a beautiful woman. She likes singing and reading stories. My dad is a worker. He is tall and strong. He is very hard-working. He gets up early in the morning and goes home late. He goes to work by bike. He likes swimming and playing ping-pong very much. He often plays ping-pong with me on the weekend. What about your family Yours Li Feng ( )1.Peter lives in . A.Australia B. China C. America ( )2.Li Feng is a . A.student B.teacher C.worker ( )3.Li Feng’s father likes . A.singing B. dancing C.sports ( )4.Li Feng’s mother goes to work . A.by bike B.by car C.by train ( )5.Peter is Li Feng’s . A.cousin B.classmate C.pen pal (二) Bill is my new pen pal. He lives in England. His father is ... ...

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