
Unit 7 It’s raining! Section A (1a-1c) 教学课件(含音视频)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:38次 大小:25717096Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件24张PPT。Unit 7 It's rainingTalk about the weather.windycloudysunnyrainy snowy sunweather: sunnystormweather: stormycloudweather: cloudywindweather: windy rainweather: rainy /rainingsnowweather: snowy/snowing 这几组表天气的词都是 。“名词+y = 形容词”rain 名词“雨,雨水”。 动词。“下雨”其形容词为:rainy “下雨的”。 “下雨了。” 可说:It’s raining.或It’s rainy.sunny cloudy windyrainysnowyWhat do they mean?raining___ windy____ cloudy____ sunny_____ snowing___abecd1a Match the words with the pictures. 〔a-e〕根据这只小熊要带的东西猜一猜 “How’s the weather today?”Guessing gameI am JackHow’s the weather today?How’s the weather today?How’s the weather today?How’s the weather today?Listen and write these city names in the boxes above.Beijing Moscow Toronto Boston ShanghaiTorontoBeijingMoscowShanghaiBoston1b A:How’s the weather in…? =What’s the weather like in… ? B: It’s …Pairwork2018-10-216Describe the weather in each place.1. What’s the weather like today? It is cloud . 2. How is the weather like today? It raining. 3. What are they doing? They read newspapers.火眼金睛辨正误cloudyare readingIt is rainy / raining.2018-10-2161c Imagine you are in one of the places in 1a. Talk about the weather with your friend on the phone.A: Hi, how’s the weather in Beijing? B: It’s sunny.Thanks for your listening !Goodbye !

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