
Unit 2 Some stories are more interesting 教案

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:88次 大小:122923Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 2 Some stories are more interesting 教案 1教学目标 (一)语言目标 1. 词汇:能听懂、会说、认读新单词wood, cross, another, 词组a piece of, drop into, 学习过去式think-thought, drop-dropped, lose-lost. 2. 句型: (1)能听懂、会说、认读句子“That piece of meat is better than mine.” (2)能用自己的话说出故事。 (二)应用目标 1. 能听懂、会说Part A部分的故事。 2. 通过各种方式理解课文,用自己的话复述课文。 2学情分析 学生经过五年半的英语学习,有一定的英语听说和阅读基础,对过去式有一定的了解。 (1) 词汇: ① 部分动词的过去式已经学习过,如went, gave, took, walked, was, saw, had, opened ②than一词在六年级上册第九单元中重点学习过。 (2) 句型: ① 句型“A is … than …B”在六年级上册第九单元中学习过,学生已能初步运用该句型对两事物进行比较。 ② 在四五年级教材中,已经学习过用句型“I like…He/She likes… ”表达自己或他人的喜好。 3重点难点 1. 重点:1)能听懂、会说、认读新单词wood, cross, another, 词组a piece of, drop into, 学习过去式think-thought, drop-dropped, lose-lost. 2)能结合图片读懂故事。 2. 难点:1) 动词drop, think, lose的过去式的不规则变化。 2) 能用自己的话说出故事。 4教学过程 活动1【导入】Step 1:热身/复习(Warm-up/ Revision) 1. Warming up. TPR. T: Show me your hands, clap your hands, stomp your feet, say “Hooray!” clap your hands, sit down, Look! 2.Brain Storm: Read and do! 教师利用多媒体课件快速出示一组动作类单词或词组,让学生以最快的反应速度读出,并做出相应的动作,但当学生看到老虎图案则只需要读出“Wow!”, 以增强活动的趣味性。 活动2【讲授】新课呈现(Presentation) 1. Pre-reading.阅读前 1) Show the title of this lesson. a. T: Do you like stories Today I will tell you a story, it’s one of Peter’s favorite story. Why He thinks it’s more interesting than others. interesting, more interesting. tall-taller fat-fatter expensive-more expensive interesting, more interesting. Today we are going to learn Unit 2. Some stories are more interesting. (板书课题Some stories are more interesting) b. Would you like to listen to this story OK, now let’s watch the video. Listen to the story and tell me: PPT: This story is about _____. A. one dog B. two dogs C. Peter Paste the picture on the Bb. 2)Try to give a title of this story. T: This story is about a dog. Would you like to title this story It’s a …dog. PPT: A _____ dog. T: Which is the best title Let’s read the text together. 活动3【导入】While-reading. 阅读中 2. While-reading. 阅读中 1) Read the whole passage quickly and find out the answer. a. T: First, please open your books and turn to page 5. Read the text quickly and find out the answer. PPT: 1. The dog had _____. The dog _____ the meat. The meat _____ . b. Learn to read the new words. A piece of meat lose – lost drop – dropped 2) Read the first paragraph. T: Poor dog! Its meat dropped into the water. Why Now, let’s read the story paragraph by paragraph. Read the first paragraph and rearrange the sentences. a. The dog took the meat and walked home happily. b. A man in the shop gave a piece of meat to the dog. c. A dog went to a meat shop. T: The first paragraph told ... ...

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