
Unit 4 Planting trees is good for us 教案

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:58次 大小:120862Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 4 Planting trees is good for us 教案 1教学目标 1. Aims on knowledge: (1).To enable the students to listen and say the new words: air, place (2).To enable the students to listen and say some phrases: plant trees, Tree Planting Day, keep the air clean, keep us cool, make the place beautiful. (3).To enable the students to master the sentences: What can trees do Trees can …. Listen and say the dialogue of Part A. 2. Aims on ability: (1).To develop the students’ ability of listening and speaking. (2).To foster the students’ ability of communication. 3. Aims on emotion: To enable the students to love nature and try to protect our earth. 2学情分析 The students have learnt English for four years. Maybe English is difficult for them. They find it boring to learn English. So the teachers should play games or do some competition to inspire the students' interest. 3重点难点 Listen, say and read the new words and phrases. Understand and remember the phrases about environmental protection. 4教学过程 活动1【导入】Step 1:Preparation. Greetings. Warm-up. Enjoy a short film. Try to answer: What can you see in the film 活动2【讲授】Step 2:Presentation and drill. 1. T: In the film, the Earth is happy at first. But the Earth is not happy at last. Because many people cut down the trees. Can we do that T: We can’t do that. 2. Teach the new words and phrases. (1)We should plant trees. (CAI) (2).T: I like to eat apples, bananas and …. So I want to plant fruit trees. (3).T: When should plant trees (CAI) (4).T: Trees are very important, so planting trees is good for us. (5).T : We need trees. Because trees can keep the air clean. (CAI) (6).T: Trees also can keep us cool. (7).T: Trees also can make the place beautiful. (CAI) (8).Let’s play a game: Do and say. (9). Review the phrases. 3. Practice the sentences. (1)T: Look! He is Guang Touqiang. He is cutting down the trees. We can’t do that. Because trees are important. A: What can trees do B: Trees can keep the air clean. Trees can keep us cool. Trees can make the place beautiful. (2) Read the sentences after the teacher. (3) Group work.. 活动3【活动】Step 3:Practice. T: I have three friends, they are Anne, Peter and Mingming.. Now let’s do some listening, and find out what they are talking about. 1.Listen and fill in the blanks. 2.Read after the teacher. 3.Read it together. 活动4【练习】Step 4:Production. Make a dialogue like this:( A is reporter, B is interviewee.) A: Hello! What’s your name B: Hello! My name is …. A: We should love our Earth. What should/can we do B: We should /can …. A; What shouldn’t /can’t we do B: We shouldn’t/ can’t…. 活动5【作业】Step 5:Homework. Remember the words and the phrases. Recite part A. ... ...

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