
Unit 5 Our earth looks like this in space 教案

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:19次 大小:120676Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 5 Our earth looks like this in space 教案 1教学目标 能理解、会说新单词earth, land and river, Space Museum, the sun, stars, the moon.2.掌握并能运用句型“look like…”能力目标: 能在图片和关键词的帮助下理解课文内容,并能带有感情朗读课文。情感目标:通过对课文的学习,让学生初步了解有关太空的知识,提高学习英语的兴趣,激发学科学、爱科学、用科学的热情。 2学情分析 六年级的大部分学生有了较好的英语基础,学习这一课很轻松,但是少部分学生基础很差,教起来不容易,这需要成绩好的学生帮助成绩差的学生 3重点难点 掌握新词、难句。 理解并朗读课文。 4教学过程 活动1【导入】 Warming up Greetings. T: Hello, everyone. Nice to see you! Ss: Nice to see you too! Sing a song. T: Let’s sing a song together, OK Ss: OK! Sing the song “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” Step 2 Presentation and drill 1.Teach the new wards (1) 导入 T: What can you see in the movie S: I can see many stars. T: Yes. Where are the stars S: They are in the sky. (2)(幻灯出示太空景色图片) T: Look! This is space! There are so many beautiful stars in space. They make up space. 板书并教学单词stars, , space.(注意:世界上独一无二的物的名称前要用the) T:(指着太空图片)What are in space S: Stars, the moon, the sun T: Yes, you are right. There are many beautiful stars in space including the sun, the moon, the earth and so on. Look! What’s this (幻灯出示地球图片) Ss: It’s the earth. T: Yes, it’s the earth. It’s the place we are living. 板书并教学单词the earth T: Our earth looks like this from space.(板书课题) It looks like a ball. You can see the land and river. 板书并教学单词look like, land and river (3) 教学look like (出示一张状似小猫的电话图片) T:What’s this Ss: It’s a telephone. T:What does it look like Ss: It looks like a cat. (出示一盏状似熊猫的灯图片) T:What’s this S: It’s a light. T: What does it look like S: It looks like a panda. T: What does our earth look like S: It looks like a ball. T: Can you make a sentence with “look like” Such as “It looks like…” S: …… (4)幻灯出示太空景色图片。 T: Look!Space is so beautiful. It’s very magic and mysterious. I like space, I am very interested in space. 板书并教学单词be interested in T: Are you interested in space Ss: Yes. T: Peter is very interested in space too. Last Sunday, Peter and his mother went to the Space Museum. T: (幻灯出示太空博物馆的图片)Look! This is the Space Museum. 板书并教学单词Space Museum. 2. Games (Revise the new wards) 活动2【活动】 Reading and listening 1. 看图片,说一说。 CAI展示课文中的几幅插图,指导学生谈论谈论这些图片。 2. 学生快速阅读课文,回答问题。 T: In the Space Museum. What did Peter and his mother do What did Peter and his mother see Now, read the text by yourselves and find out the answers. 板书问题 (1).What did Peter and his mother do last Sunday They watched _____. (2).What did Peter want to do after watching the film He wanted to _____ and _____ . (3).What did Peter do the next day He went to the _____ and look for _____. 3. 听课文A部分录音,模仿正确的语音,语调,掌握新词难句的正确读法。 4.Read the text again. Try to understand ... ...

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