
乌加河中学2016年备课 Unit 6 Entertainment and Friendship.Topic 2 Who is your favorite character in literatur

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:81次 大小:398287Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    乌加河中学 Unit 6 Topic 2 Who is your favorite character in literature? 学习内容 Topic 2 Who is your favorite character in literature Section C 学习内容 Topic 2 Who is your favorite character in literature Section D 学习目标 1.掌握本课重点词汇和短语,2.能读懂关于西方文学名人的介绍及其著作,并获取有用信息。3.让学生进一步了解中外文学名人,赏析名著。 学习目标 1.掌握本课重点词汇和短语,并对整个话题的功能进行了系统的总结。2.能读懂英语断句的片断;3.对所学内容主动复习并加以整理和归纳。 重、难点 能根据上下文推断、理解生词的含义,并利用图片和文字信息完成短文的信息输出。 重、难点 能用英语对电视节目的利弊展开讨论。 【自主预习】阅读P 39 1a,了解文章大意,并找出下列短语并熟记1.leading British poets 杰出的英国诗人 2.grow up _____ 3.to feel better 为了觉得好一些 4 .go for long walks去远足 5.take boat rides 划船旅行 6.graduate from _____ 7.move to _____ 8.return to_____ 9.write(wrote) down 写下 10.lives of common people 普通人的生活 【课堂巩固】 读课文回答下列问题1. Why did William Wordsworth love to take long walks in the mountains when he was young _____2. What are his poems mainly about _____3. When did he usually get the inspiration of writing a poem _____4. How did he write his poems down _____5. What makes Wordsworth’s poems different from those of other poets _____ 课后检测:从方框中选出适当的短语并用其真确形式填空。 grow up graduate from return to write down fight against be famous for1. What the teacher said just now was a little difficult to understand. You’d better _____ it _____.2. Once the holidays were over, our lives _____ normal.3. --What do you plan to do after you _____ school -- I’m not sure.4. My litter brother always liked _____his classmates before, but now he is sorry about what he did.5. Tom _____ in America while he lives in China now.6. William Shakespeare _____ his drama, such as Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet. 【自主预习】预习P41 1a找出下列短语,并在书上做标记1.in fact _____ 2.precious possessions 珍贵的财产 3.all of a sudden _____4.cut off _____ 5.live through经历过 6.Merry Christmas圣诞快乐7.Christmas Eve 圣诞前夕 8.with jeweled rims 镶有珠宝的边沿 8.long for_____9. without the least hope of owning them 一直想拥有它们10.I have no idea 我不知道 11.put away 把 ...放好 12.at present _____ 【学习新知】Isn’t it lovely, Jim 译:_____ 这是一个否定疑问句,意为“难道不……?”,通常由be / 助动词/情态动词的否定形式放在句子的开头。回答要据实做答,事实的确如此就回答“Yes”;事实不是那样,就回答“No”。译:Yes, it is._____No,it isn’t._____2.读课文回答下列问题1) What are the precious possessions of the couple _____2)What gifts did the couple give to each other _____3)How did the couple manage to give gifts to each other _____课后检测: 选择题:--I’m sorry I forget to turn the light off. --Don’t worry.Ihave it ____ A.turn off B.turned off C.turn on D.turned on2.He asked for a 3- day leave _____ he could go to the countryside to look after his sick grandfather. A.in order to B.in order C.such that D. so that 3. He asked for a 3- day leave _____ ... ...

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