
Unit3 A healthy diet Fun time and grammar time 课件

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:64次 大小:5520939Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件44张PPT。Unit3 A healthy diet (Fun time & Grammar time) 学习目标1、 I can retell the story. 我会复述故事。 2、 I can distinguish between “countable nouns” and ”uncountable nouns”. 我能区分“可数名词”和“不可数名词”。 3 、I can talk about our daily meals and say something about someone else. 我会谈论自己和他人的一日三餐。 、I can design a healthy diet plan. 我能简单设计健康饮食计划。What's for their breakfst ,lunch and dinner?复述故事Revision :Retell the story 1、同桌相互讨论,边复述边完成表格。 2、能流利复述的同学可得到两颗星。 sweetscakesice creamricebreadmilkfishmeateggswaternoodlesmeatvegetablesfruiteggsrice sweet foodWhat’s for Mike’s breakfast, lunch and dinner?What’s for Yang Ling’s breakfast, lunch and dinner? Learning tips: 当我们在描述他人饮食的时候,请注意用动词的第三人称单数形式。 例如:He She eats…. He She has…. He She drinks…. 在句型中适当的运用量词,可使你的表达更 具体、更完整。 Yang Ling eats noodles for breakfast. Mike has bread and milk for breakfast.Mike hasYang Ling eats noodles for breakfast.a lot of bread and milk for breakfast.someQuantities 量词a lot ofa fewmanya littlemuchsomeanyaanIWeTheyYoueathavea lot ofsomenoodlesmeat vegetablesbreadHe Sheeatsdrinksa fewa littleeggswater..主语(Subjects)动词 (Verbs)量词 (Quantities)名词 (Noun) sign plasticCountable Nouns 可数名词Uncountable Nouns 不可数名词 waternewspaper chip wood vegetable milk noodle tree rice sandwich energy meat bottle peach bread egg juice cake mangoGame: Pick applesCountable Nouns 可数名词Uncountable Nouns 不可数名词 water vegetable milk noodle fruit rice sandwich meat peach bread egg juice cake mango以下单词属于不可数名词, 我们通常不在单词后面加 “s”或“es”我们通常在以下单词后面加 “s”或“es”,用来表示复 数形式。 For breakfast, I have some eggs. Eggs, eggs, eggs… For lunch and dinner, I have some potatoes. Potatoes, potatoes, potatoes…. For breakfast, you have some noodles. Noodles, noodles , noodles…. For lunch and dinner, you have some tomatoes. Tomatoes, tomatoes , tomatoes….Say a chant potatoes tomatoes sandwiches glasses 马铃薯西红柿 我们通常在以“o”、“ch”、“x”、 “ss”结尾的单词后加“es”,用来表示复数形式。 mangoespeachesWhat do/does … have for breakfast / lunch / dinner? I / You /We / They eat …. I / You /We / They have… He / she eats …. He / she has ….Let’s talk !Tips: 用所给句型来描述图片,注意人称的变化。 You eat / have some fruit.What do I have for dinner?You eat / have some meat.What do we have for dinner?They eat _____.What do they have for breakfast?a lot of eggssome eggsa few eggsa few eggsThey eat / have a lot of noodles.What do they have for lunch?She eats / has a lot of sweet food.What does she have for dinner? He drinks _____.What does he drink for lunch?a lot of juicesome juicea little juicesome juicea lot of eggssome eggsa few eggsa lot of juice some juicea little juiceFind the differencesTips: 1. “A few”和“a little”在意思上相近,都表示比some少的数量。不同的是,a few和可数名词连用,表示“几个”,a little和不 ... ...

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