
Lesson 13 A daughter’s letter 第二课时课件17张PPT

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:14次 大小:1061809Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件17张PPT。Unit 5 MemoriesLesson 13 A Daughter's LetterPeriod 2Liu Fei wrote a letter to her mother and talked about her memories. Why did she write this letter? What did they do together?Read these sentences Everything will be fine. I don't have a chance to express my thankfulness to her. I'm really proud of you! My teacher makes a huge difference in my life.Can you tell who said these sentencesCheck answers (Use the whole sentences) Liu Fei's mum said, "Everything will be fine." Miss Li told us, "I don't have a chance to express my thankfulness to her." Mum told me, "I'm really proud of you!" Miss Li said, "My teacher makes a huge difference in my life." Direct Speech 直接引语Direct Speech (直接引语)直接引语:直接引用别人的所说的话。 1. 被引用的话放在引号内; 2. 被引用的话是原话(Original words),不做任何改动; 3. 引用的话之前用“ ,” 或“:”; 4. 引用的话结束后,需用“.”、“!”、“?”等标点符号。Liu Fei's mum said, "Everything will be fine." Liu Fei's mum said that everything would be fine. Reported Speech 间接引语Reported Speech (引接引语)间接引语:转述别人说的话。多以宾语从句的形式表现出来。 1. 在引述谓语:say, ask, mention, order等,和话语之间不用标点符号; 2. 有时态变化; 3. 有人称、时间、地点等变化。 How to change direct speech into reported speech?she didn't have a chance to tell her.Complete the table with the correct sentences from the text.Match the original words with the reported words.The tense231Change these sentences into reported speech.Mother's Day is comingMay 10thTell your groupmates what you want to do for your mum. Discuss in group:Example: Miss wan told us that she wanted to make a big dinner for her num.Then the reporter tells class what your groupmates plan to do on Mother's Day.Homework在母亲节那天根据自己的计划为妈妈做一件事情; 转述妈妈在母亲节那天对你说的话。

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