
Lesson 58 Ms. Liu’s speech 教案

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:70次 大小:122901Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Lesson 58 Ms. Liu's speech 教案 1教学目标 Knowledge Ss will be able to use the words: speech, period, valuable, achieve, behalf, congratulation Ss will be able to use the phrases: go by, fall down, pick yourself up, on behalf of Topic Students will know how to make a graduation speech in English. Language Skills Listening Students can get the main idea of a passage while listening. Speaking Students will be able to make a reduction speech in English. Reading Students can understand the graduation speech quickly and well. Writing They can write their own graduation speeches in English. 2学情分析 本课为阅读课,内容是刘老师在毕业典礼上的演讲词,其中包含了老师对往昔师生生活的回忆,包含了老师对学生们的鼓励、希望和祝福,也包含了在这离别季老师对同学们的殷殷嘱托。作为本单元的第四课,在前面谈论了对未来的设想、制定计划和写毕业留言后,毕业典礼也是不可或缺的一个重要部分。而学生们也将伴随着刘老师一起,感受老师对他们临行前的嘱托。在对文本进行听、说、读、写的训练中,学生将会掌握相关的词汇与句式,也会萌发出对老师的感激之情,并且形成正确的价值观。 3重点难点 1. Master the words and structures in this lesson. 2. Learn to make a graduation speech. 3. To write a graduation speech in English. 4教学过程 活动1【导入】Lesson 58 Ms. Liu’s Speech Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Aim of design Step 1: Warming up and Leading in 1. Show them some pictures of speeches. And tell them they are giving speeches. 2. T: Today, let’s look at Ms. Liu’s speech. 1. Ss look, listen and read. 1. Lead into this new lesson quickly. 2. To learn the word “speech” Step 2 Listening 1. T: Let’s listen to the text. Please listen and choose the best answer. 1) What’ Ms. Liu doing A. She is playing with her students. B. She is giving a speech. C. She is talking with her students. 2) How long did she spend with her students A. One year. B. Two years. C. Three years. 2. Check the answer. 1. Ss listen and answer. 1. To practise listening skills. 2. To know about the whole speech for the first time. Step 3 Speaking and learning the new words 1. Teacher shows them a picture of a clock and tells them: Time has gone by so quickly. Ask them to guess the meaning of “go by”. 2. Three years has passed. It’s not a short period. I’m sure you have got a lot of things during this period. (Tell them period means time). What have you got during this period 3. T: I know you have got knowledge, friendship and experiences. They are very valuable. What other things do you think are valuable 4. T: They will help you achieve your dream. What or who can help you achieve your dream 5. T: In our life, sometimes we success, sometimes we fall down. When we fall down, what should we do Show them the answer. Ss listen and say. 1. S1: It means “流逝” 2. Ss answer the teacher’s question freely. S1: During this period, I’ve learned many things. S2: During this period, I’ve got many friends. … 3. Ss answer the teacher’s question freely. S1: I think books are valuable. … 4. S1: My knowledge will help me achie ... ...

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