
Unit 4 I have big eyes 第一课时课件+素材

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:99次 大小:9570266Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件20张PPT。Unit 4 I have big eyesStory time The first periodeyesan eyeI have big eyes.How about you?I have ... eyes.We use them to see the world. 我们用它们来看世界。eyes eyes I have big eyes. eyes eyes I have small eyes. eyes eyes I have an eye . an eye. an eye.earsan earI have big ears.We use them to hear. 我们用它来听。ears ears I have big ears. ears ears I have small ears. ears ears I have an ear . an ear. an ear.nosea noseI have a big nose.small big long shortWe use it to smell. 我们用它来闻。moutha mouthI have a big mouth.We use it to eat and speak. 我们用它来吃和说。facea faceI have a big face.hair I have long hair.How about you?chairLet’s chant Big eyes,big eyes. I have big eyes. Long hair,long hair. I have long hair.eyeI have big eyes.earsI have big ears.an eyenoseI have a big nose.mouthI have a big mouth.facehair my faceHello! I'm Charlie.A balloon for you. 给你一个气球。Story timeTask 1:watch and judge3. I have long hair. Story timeTask 2:listen and answerStory timeTask 2:listen and answerbigbigbigbigsmalllongTask3: Listen and imitateTask4: Role playStory timeHomework1. Listen to the recording and read Story TIme. 2.Try to spell the new words. 3.Describe your face to your parents.

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