

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:76次 大小:199252Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课题 Module 1 Using my five sensesUnit 1 Look and seeLook and learn 教学目标 知识与技能:1. Using the ne w words in the context eg. frog, rabbit, bee, bird2. Asking wh-questions to find out what people see eg. What do you see 3. Using formulaic e xpressions to indicate what people see eg. I see…过程与方法:1. Using modeled phrases to communicate with other students2. Using modeled phrases to begin and maintain an interaction by providing information in response to factual questions 教学重点和难点 Identify the key words in an utterance by hearing the pronunciationeg. frog, rabbit, bee, birdUnderstand the meaning of wh-questionseg. What do you see Understand the key patterneg. I am a …. 教学媒体 Pictures, masks, Cassette 1A, Cassette player 课前学生准备 Listening to the recording of the text. 教学流程 Pre-task preparationWarmerlisten to the song:Greetings2.Greetings.Good morning.Good afternoon.……T: Ask pupils to answer the teacher’s questions.While-task procedure1.Introduction I see …Show a picture of a park to the students. Ask them what they see.To elicit the structure:I see …(bird bee rabbit frog)2.Teach some new words.bird bee rabbit frog3. I’m a….Mime the small animals and let students guess what the animals are.bird…Ask the students to say and mime the actions of the animals.One, two, three…I am a bee.… Teach the rhyme on Book P 2Post-task activity1.SubstitutionI am… …Ask pupils to review the new sentences.Eg. A: One two three …B: I am a bee.A: Four , five.B: I am… 板书设计 frog rabbit bee bird I am a… 教学效果的反馈 课堂活跃,学生积极争当小动物,喜欢小动物,因此,基本词汇可以掌握。 课题 Module 1 Using my five sensesUnit 1 Look and seeLook and say 教学目标 Language Focus: Using formulaic expressions to learn the phrases;Language Skill: Listening: Understand the meanings of wh-questionsSpeaking: Ask wh-questions to find out what people see Use formulaic expressions to indicate what people see. 教学重点和难点 Understand the meaning of wh-questionseg. What do you see eg. I see a …. 教学媒体 Pictures, masks, Cassette 1A, Cassette player 课前学生准备 Listening to the recording of the text. 教学流程 Pre-task preparation1. Show the words of the animals.bird rabbit bee…. 2. Ask; What do you see I see….Are you a rabbit Yes No, I’m a …3. Divide the class i nto pairs. Ask them to act as an animal and let the partner guess what animal it is.Are you a rabbit 4. Yes No, I’m a …While-task proceduresUse the paper cut-outs. Show the students some parts of the small animals and ask them to guess what the animals are. The students can play this guessing game in groups.What is it It’s a bee.Ask the students to introduce each animal. It’s a…It’s …Have the students look at the pictures and practice in pairs.What do you see I see…What colour is it It’s…Post-task activitiesLet the student listen to the tape and repeat again and againThe workbookLet students do the practice in the workbook. 板书设计 What do you see I s ... ...

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