
Unit 1 School subjects Lesson 1 教案(3份)

日期:2024-06-10 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:26次 大小:360615Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 1 School Subjects Lesson 1 教案 1教学目标 能认读单词Art, Chinese, English, Maths, Music, PE, Science, subject并进行初步拼读。 2. 能听懂、会读、会说句型A: Do you like PE B: Yes, I do./ No, I don’t. 3. 能整体理解掌握A部分内容,能模仿录音朗读。 知道表示科目的单词第一个字母要大写。 2教学重点: 1. 能认读单词Art, Chinese, English, Maths, Music, PE, Science, subject并进行初步拼读。 2. 能听懂、会读、会说句型A: Do you like PE B: Yes, I do./ No, I don’t. 3. 能整体理解掌握A部分内容,能模仿录音朗读。 4. 知道表示科目的单词第一个字母要大写。 3教学难点: 能准确读好单词, 并灵活运用句型A: Do you like PE B: Yes, I do./ No, I don’t. 进行自如表达。 4教学准备: 单词卡片,光盘,PPT 5教学过程: Step 1 Free talk T: Hello, boys and girls. Ss: Hello, Miss Ji. T: Nice to meet you. Ss: Nice to meet you too. (将句型出现在PPT上) T: Thank you. Hello, how are you S: I’m fine/good/well. T: Good. Nice to see you! S: Nice to see you too. (将句子出现在PPT上,与上一句同义) T: I’m happy today because I see you again. Are you happy Ss: Yes. T: Welcome back to school! (出示图片及句子,帮助学生理解该句子) Step2. Say a rhyme T: Now, let’s enjoy a rhyme first. Do you remember this rhyme (出示学过的小诗歌) Let’s learn We learn Maths, one, two, three. We learn English, Aa, Bb, Cc. We learn Music , Do, re, mi. We learn Art, draw you and me. T: Who can read it (请同学读,然后再集体读一读) Step 3 Presentation 复习教学表示科目的单词。 a. T: (出示单词Maths) Who can read it S: Maths. 请同学们读一读,并进行拼读。 T: Maths is a subject. 出示单词教学朗读subject 科目,课程 b. T: (出示单词卡English) What subject is it S: English. 请同学们读一读,并进行拼读。 _____ is a subject. T: (指数学和英语)They are _____. S: Subjects. c. 揭题 T: Today we’ll learn Unit 1 Our school subjects. (读好课题) d. Say other subjects T: What other subjects do you know (你还知道其他的科目吗?) S: Art, Chinese, Music, PE 学习句型A: Do you like PE B: Yes, I do./ No, I don’t. T: Look at the blackboard, how many subjects do we have Ss: Six. T: Yes. We have Maths, English, Art, Chinese, Music and PE. T: I like English and PE. Do you like PE (出示句子) S: Yes, I do./ No, I don’t. 请同学互相问一问。 Step 4 Story time 学习timetable, Science T: Miss Li and her students are talking about school subjects too. Let’s go and have a look, OK S: OK. T: (出示课外插图) Look at Miss Li, she has a timetable. T: What is the timetable Do you know (请同学根据图片内容猜测单词的意思) S: 课程表。 T: You’re right. 出示单词教学timetable 课程表,时间表 time+table timetable T: Look at the timetable, what subjects do they have Let’s watch the cartoon and try to find them. (观看动画片) T: What subjects do they have S: They have English, Chinese, Maths, Art, PE, Music and Science. 出示单词教学Science 科学 ( 注意让学生读准该单词,老师多进行个别朗读和指导) T: How many subjects do they have Ss: They have seven subjects. Read and find 1.自读对话完成 Wang Bing likes_____. (Chinese and Maths) Yang Ling likes_____. (English) I think they a ... ...

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