

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:38次 大小:123343Byte 来源:二一课件通
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并列连词 并列连词(Coordinating Conjunctions)是指用来连接彼此是并列关系的词、短语、从句或句子的词,被连接的两个部分彼此是独立的,在句法上是平等的。21世纪教育网版权所有 1. 并列连词的种类 类 别 例 词 表示并列关系 and  as well as  both…and not only, but also  neither…nor 表示选择关系 or   or else   either…nor 表示转折关系 but   yet   while  whereas 表示因果关系 for   so ? 2. and (1) and和;与;及;同;并 Time and tide wait for no man. 时不我待。(and表示并列) Everything ought to be beautiful in a human being: face,and dress,and soul,and ideas. 人的面貌,衣着,心灵,思想,一切都应是美丽的。 (2) and然后; 接着 They shook hands and began to talk at once. 他们握了手后立刻开始了谈话。(and表示顺序) He came and sat down and spoke to me. 他来后坐下来和我说话。 (3) and而且;还;又 I know that he has been arrested and that he is in prison. 我知道他已经被捕并且进了监狱。 Shute is healthy and handsome. 舒特既健康又英俊。 (4) and那么;则 Come early and you will see him. 早些来,那么你就会见到他了。 Try again and you will succeed. 再试一次,你就会成功。 3. but (1) but但是;可是;然而 She wants to go to college but her parents want her to get married. 她想念大学,但她父母希望她结婚。 The car is very old but in good condition. 这辆车旧了,但性能还不错。21教育网 (2) but(用于否定结构后)而(是) Virtue dwells not in the tongue but in the heart. 看人看心不看嘴。 He didn’t come to help,but to hinder us. 他不是来帮忙,而是来阻碍我们的。 4. or (1) or或;或者;还是 He must be mad or drunk. 他不是疯了就是喝醉了。 Scotch or Bourbon? 要苏格兰威士忌还是波旁威士忌? (2) or否则; 要不然 Be quick,or it may be too late. 快点,不然就会迟到。 Do not move, or you are a dead man. 不要动,不然要你的命。 (3) or(用于否定句) 也不 He never smokes or drinks. 他从不抽烟,也不喝酒。 5.or else or else 否则;要不然 Hurry up,or else you’ll miss the last bus. 快点,不然你就赶不上末班车了。 Let’s get moving,or else we’ll miss the train. 我们走吧,不然就赶不上火车了。 6.for for 因为;由于……的缘故 Sanger has to stay up tonight, for there is a lot of homework to do. 桑格今晚不得不熬夜,因为有许多作业要做。 The two brothers decided to leave at dawn,for they had many miles to cover.21cnjy.com 两兄弟决定黎明启程,因为他们要走许多英里。 7.so so因此;所以 It began to rain, so we went home. 天开始下雨了,我们就回家了。 Everybody lent a hand, so the task was done on time. 人人动手,所以任务按时完成了。 8.yet yet可是;然而 He worked hard, yet he failed. 他工作努力,可是他失败了。 She said she would be late, yet she arrived on time. 她说她会迟到,但她却准时到达了。 15.9 whereas whereas 然而; 但是; 尽管 Some people like fat meat, whereas others hate it. 有些人喜欢肥肉,相反有些人讨厌肥肉。 Some people like strong tobacco,whereas others don’t. 有些人喜欢抽烈性烟,而有些人则不喜欢。 She is diligent,whereas he is lazy. 她很勤快,而他却懒惰。 10. as well as as well as 除……之外;既……又;与……一样;和 On Sundays, his landlady provided dinner as well as breakfast. ... ...

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