

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:43次 大小:243615Byte 来源:二一课件通
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教学内容 Step1 作业检查及讲解Step2 作文专练小升初英语作文写作过程中要注意:审清题目要求,判断时态,人称,写作主题等。2.开始新的段落应该空出4个字母宽的距离。3.句子开头要大写,句子结尾要有标点(英语句号是小圆点)4.英语中没有顿号,句子中间停顿时用逗号小升初英语作文分类:一.人物类:作文一 我自己 Myself要涉及的话题或句型: 一 姓名 My name is Wang Xiaoming. /I’m Wang Xiaoming. /This is Wang Xiaoming.注意名字有两个字时,要连在一起,只大写第一个字 如王小明 Wang Xiaoming二 年龄 I’m twelve/I’m twelve years old. 三 喜欢的食物水果与运动/功课等等 My favourite fruit/food is ….. I like playing badminton.Because it’s good for my body. 四 经常在何时做运动或爱好 I often play badminton with my classmates after school. 五 家人 There are three people in my family:my father,mother and I. 六 家人职业及爱好(简略) My father is an engineer.He likes reading books. He often asks me to go to the library with him. 七 结束语 I love my father.And I love my family.This is me. 人物类作文二 我的朋友 My friend与Myself的区别: 主语由I 变He/She.动词由动词原形变为动词第三人称单数形式.代词由my 变his/her 要涉及的话题或句型:开头句 I have a friend 一 姓名 His name is Wang Xiaoming. /He’s Wang Xiaoming. /注意名字有两个字时,要连在一起,只大写第一个字 如王小明 Wang Xiaoming 二 年龄 He’s twelve/He’s twelve years old. 三 喜欢的食物水果与运动/功课等等 His favourite fruit/food is ….. He likes playing badminton. Because it’s good for his body. 四 经常在何时做运动或爱好 He often plays badminton with me after school. 五 家人 There are three people in his family:his father,mother and he. 六 家人职业及爱好(简略) His father is an engineer.He likes reading books. 七 结束语 I like my friend. 作文三 我的一天My day时态 一般现在时 重要句型 主语+动词原形+其它. 在几点使用 at … I get up at 6:00.Then I wash my face and brush my teeth.I eat breakfast at 7:00.Then I go to school.I have seven classes every day.Classes begin at 8:00.School is over at 4:30.After school,I often play table tennis with my friends.I eat dinner at 7:00.Then I listen to music.I do my homework at 8:00.I go to bed at 9:30. This is my day.作文四 某人的一天Tom’s day时态 一般现在时 重要句型 主语(第三人称单词形式)+动词第三人称单词形式+其它. 注意与My day的区别 一 主语由I 变为 He. 二 形容词性物主代词由my 变为his 三 动词由原形变为第三人称单数形式,简单记忆方法就是动词后加s或es Tom gets up at 6:00.Then he washes his face and brushes his teeth.He eats breakfast at 7:00.Then he goes to school.He has seven classes every day.Classes begin at 8:00.School is over at 4:30.After school, he often plays table tennis with his friends.He eats dinner at 7:00.Then he listens to music.He does his homework at 8:00.He goes to bed at 9:30. This is Tom’s day.二.空间类作文五 空间类 我的卧室 My bedroom时态 一般现在时 重要句型 There be…..+介词词组(on,next to,behind,over,under等) It’s…. The…is on the… 注意主要物品是作为参照使用的。所以,我们一般先说bed,desk,table之类的主要物品。然后再说其它物品与其的位置关系。 I have my own room.It’s small but n ... ...

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