
Unit5 Why do you like pandas ?Section A 1a-1c课件

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:47次 大小:5644999Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件36张PPT。Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?SectionA 1a--1canimalsReviewdomestic animalsdogcatpigrabbitduckhorsesheepchickenPresentiontigertigerselephantelephantskoalaspandaslionslionlionsgiraffegiraffesWelcome to the zoo.tigerelephantgiraffekoalalionpandaCan you say something about the animals?scary, big, interesting, cute, tall, beautiful, fun, small lazy,smartEg: Tigers are very scary. Guessing gameWhat animal is it? tiger elephant koala panda lion giraffe a f c e d b Match the words with the animals.1aListen and check the animals you hear.1bListen again and answer questions.1. What’s the girl’s favorite animal? Why? 2. What animal does the boy want to see? Why? 3. What animal does the girl want to see now? Why?Pandas. Because they’re very cute.Giraffes. Because they’re beautiful.Koalas. Because they’re interesting. scaryclever smart friendly beautiful shy cute ugly fun-- What animals do you want to see? -- I want to see…s. -- Why? -- Because they are…cute fun interesting smart lazy beautiful Practice the conversation. Talk about animals with your partner.1ckoala, elephant, panda, giraffeelephantkoala根据英语意思写出动物名称a very large, grey animal with big ears and a very long nose: _____ an Australia animal like a small bear with grey fur which lives in trees and eats leaves: _____ 3. a large, black and white animal that lives in forests in China: _____ 4. a large African animal with a very long neck and long, thin legs: _____pandagiraffePairworkA:Let's see the .... B:Why do you want to see them? A:Because they're .... pandas tigers dogs elephants koalas lions dolphins giraffes cats cute interesting fun smartHOMEWORKWOral work: Talk about your favorite animal and why. Written work: Copy new words on Page25. Make a new conversation.Bye bye !

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