
Unit 6 At the snack bar Cartoon time and sound time 课件

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:18次 大小:10015107Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件26张PPT。Unit 6 At the snack bar (Period 3) Cartoon time & Sound time ??About Miss WangBingo Game: 如果猜对了,就说1. How do I come to school? A By bus. B By taxi. Bingo Game: 如果你猜对了,就说About Miss Wang2. Which animal do I like? AThe ox. B The fox.Bingo Game: 如果你猜对了,就说About Miss Wang3. What do I have for you ? A bag. A box.Bingo Game: 如果你猜对了,就说About Miss Wangoxfoxtaxibox6sixMr fox, Mr fox Can you see the box? Yes, yes. I can see the box Behind Mrs fox.Mr foxboxMrs foxWhat’s in Mrs Wang’s box?Tips:如果你有和老师一样的食物,就说an eggsome fishSam and Bobby are hungry . They want to eat something. Where can they go?他们该去哪儿吃东西呢? Here’s a snack bar.这里有个小吃店。What would they like?他们想要什么呢?Watch and answerLet’s check ? ?some fish afraid(害怕的)Why are they so afraid? (他们为什么如此害怕呢?) What a big egg!. . .Let’s read (注意模仿人物的语音、语调、语气哦!)I’m hungry.Me too.Here’s a snack bar. I’d like some fish.I’d like an egg.Let’s read (注意模仿人物的语音、语调、语气哦!)Can I help you?Yes. I’d like some fish, please.I’d like an egg, please.我能帮你吗?Let’s read (注意模仿人物的语音、语调、语气哦!)What a big egg!Let’s read (注意模仿人物的语音、语调、语气哦!). . .Let’s read (注意模仿人物的语音、语调、语气哦!)Let’s read (注意模仿人物的语音、语调、语气哦!)Please read in roles and give the story an ending. (小组分角色读故事,试着给故事想个结局吧!)三人一组,读一读,演一演。 看看哪组表演更生动、形象。 害怕、惊恐惊讶、惊奇 气粗、声大 害怕、小声饿得有气无力惊喜Homework: 1.Act the story of Cartoon time in groups. 小组表演Cartoon time. 2.Choose one scene to make a dialogue and write it down. (At the toy shop / fruit shop / stationery shop… ) 自选情景,模仿Story time编写一段对话。Thank you !

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