
Unit 1 Welcome to our school! Lesson 6 Revision 课件+教案

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:17次 大小:1765733Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    精通版小学英语五年级下册Lesson 6 教学设计 教学目标: 能够听说、认读句型:How many m usic lessons do you have in a week We have two. We often draw pictures in our club.引导学生学会用英语在各个课程中重点做什么事情、学习什么内容。 重点难点: 目标语言的操练。 能够在真实情境中灵活运用这些功能语句进行交际。 教具准备: 电脑、图片、PPT课件、教材配套光盘 教学过程: Step 1: Warm-up Greetings. T: Good morning, boys and girls. S: Good morning, Mr/ Miss… T: Nice to see you again. S: Nice to see you, too! Let’s chant. Art club, art club. This is our art club. We often draw and paint here. Music club, music club. This is our music club. We often sing and dance. Step 2: Presentation Show a picture of art club. Let the students understand “art club”. Let’s draw a picture. Let’s paint a picture. We often draw pictures in our art club. Show a picture of mus ic club. Let the students understand “music club”. Show a short video : play the piano We often play the piano in the music club. Step 3: Pracice Show a timetable, then ask and answer. -How many music lessons do you have -We have two. (English, Chinese, maths, science, art) Step 4: Let’s chant. Step 5: Homework: Write a short passage, introduce your school. 板书设计 Lesson 6 How many music lessons do you have in a week We have two.(课件网) Lesson 6 Let’s chant. Art club, art club. This is our art club. We often draw and paint here. Music club, music club. This is our music club. We often sing and dance here. art club paint a picture draw a picture We often draw and paint here. music club play the piano sing and dance We often … in the music club. -How many music lessons do you have in a week -We have…. (English, Chinese, maths, science, art….) Homework: Make a map of your school, then introduce it. 0 ART CLUB 少 ⑥ Download from 59872882 Dreamstime. com This watermarked comp image is for previewing purposes only. o Dannyphoto80 IDr reamstime. com Timetable M Tue Wed Thur Chinese Maths English Maths Chinese Maths Chinese Chinese Chinese English Science Chinese Maths English Maths 4 English Mu Art Art USIC English PESciencePE cLass Meeting Art SciencePE Music aaa

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