
人教版(PEP)小学英语小升初第一轮复习四年级上册 Unit 1-Unit 3 课件

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:63次 大小:3483423Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件46张PPT。Unit 2 My schoolbag. Unit 1 My classroom. Unit 3 My friends. Unit 1 My Classroom. colourlightclassroompicturedoorblackboardwindowcomputerfanTVfloorteacher’s desklightclassroompicturedoorblackboardwindowcomputerfanTVfloorteacher’s deskWhat’s in the classroom? What’s in the classroom? What’s in the schoolbag? Where is the blue fan? It’s near the door. The door is yellow. The lights are white. Open the door.Turn on the light.Close the window.Put up the picture.Clean the blackboard.Let’s... Let me... Unit 2 My School. Challenge your memorystoryChinesenotemathsEnglishtoyChinese bookkeyschoolbagstorybookcandyEnglish booknotebookmaths booka toysome toysa candysome candiesa notebook an eraser a candy a pen a ruler a toy 2 notebooks 3 erasers some candies 5 pens 4 rulers 2 toysLet’s read.Where is it?Put your … …the desk.onundernearWhat’s in Zoom’s schoolbag?A maths book, a Chinese book…Some books.What’s in the schoolbag?What’s in the schoolbag?desk?classroom?What’s on the chair?What’s near the door?Put your Chinese book in your desk.Put your pencil box on your English book.Put your maths book under your bag.Put your eraser near your pencil box.Unit 3 My friends. tall and thinshort and fatfriendlyquietcutefunnyglassesshoeslong hairshort hairstrongcutehatglassesfriendlyquietshoeshair单词记忆大比拼is areThe candy ____ sweet.The keys ____ brown.The boys ____ tall.The monkey ____ cute.isisareareWhat’s his name?His name is Mike.Who’s he?He’s Mike.What’s her name?Her name is Ann.Who’s she?She’s Ann.What’s his/her name?His/Her name is _____.LucyBobLilyTimWho’s he/she?He/She is _____.LucyBobLilyTimI have, I have, have, have, have.ChantYou have, you have, have, have, have.He has, he has, has, has, has.She has, she has, has, has, has.She _____ pink shoes.hasHe _____ blue shoes.hasI _____ black glasses.You _____ short hairhavehavehashaveShe’s _____ .She’s a _____ .She has _____ .CompareDuolaShe’s _____ and _____. She has _____. She has a _____ bag and _____ shoes. AmyShe’s _____ and _____. She has _____. She has a _____ bag and _____ shoes. AndyHe’s _____ and _____. He has _____. He has a _____ bag and _____ shoes.

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