
Unit 8 Buying clothes 第一课时课件

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:44次 大小:7525641Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件25张PPT。Period 1 Buying clothesOxford EnglishModule 3 Things we do Boys and girls, if you do a good job in this class, I’ll give you a present. It is the card. At the end of the class, you will use the card to buy beautiful clothes. So please try your best. OK?Hello, I’m . I’m years old. Cindy29singing, dancing, seeing films and buying clothes. I likeWhere are they going to visit? What will they wear?Where are they going to visit? What will they wear?a thin coat 薄的a thick coat 厚的/?u//?u/coat boatgoatCan you read?a pair of trouserstwo pairs of trousers/tr/Where are you going ? I’m going to …What will you wear? I’ll wear…M/ ¥100L/ ¥100M/ ¥80L/ ¥80L/ ¥60M/ ¥100M/ ¥80L/ ¥80L/ ¥75M/ ¥75M/ ¥70L/ ¥70M/ ¥100L/ ¥100M/ ¥90L/ ¥90M/ ¥65L/ ¥65M/ ¥60L/ ¥60M/ ¥90M/ ¥90M/ ¥100M/ ¥100M/ ¥70L/ ¥70M/ ¥75M/ ¥7536/ ¥8537/ ¥8536/ ¥9037/ ¥90Which___do you like, the ____one or the _____one? I like the _____one.Ask and answerAsk and answerWhich___do you like, the ____one or the _____one? I like the _____one.Ask and answerWhich___do you like, the ____one or the _____one? I like the _____one.¥70¥100Ask and answerWhich___do you like, the ____one or the _____one? I like the _____one.What are they going to buy?Kitty and Ben are going to Hong Kong with me. So they are going to buy clothes, too.1,Which dress does Kitty like? 2,Which is Kitty’s favourite colour? 3,Which pair of trousers does Ben like? √√√√Read, choose and write(阅读短文选出正确的句子) Mum: Kitty, your birthday is coming. I’m going to buy you a gift(礼物).What do you want ? Kitty: Really?(1)_____. Mum: There are many beautiful shoes in this shop. Look at these shoes. (2)_____. Kitty: They’re both nice.(3)_____. Mum: Sure. Kitty: Look, Mum. The red shoes look nice .(4)_____.How much are they? Mum:(5)_____.I’ll take them. Kitty: Thank you, Mum!A, Can I try both on? B, They’re 80yuan. C, I want a pair of new shoes. D, They’re my size. E, Which pair do you like, the white one or the red one?CEADB Here are four situations in these envelopes. Group leaders come to the front and choose ,then act it out.(在信封里有四个情景,小组长到前面选择,然后小组内探究,表演)Situation 1Situation 2Situation 3Situation 4 Don’t wear outlandish clothes! 不要穿奇装异服! Don’t waste money! 不要乱花钱!Homework Act out the story with your friends on students’ book page 52. 2.Children’s Day is coming. What clothes do you want to buy? Make a dialogue with your friends.or Situation 1 :Tomorrow is Kitty’s birthday , you are going to her birthday party. But you don’t have beautiful clothes. So you will go to a clothes shop. Key words and sentences: try on size how much which____do you like, the _____one or the_____one.Situation 2: This Sunday, you are going to climb the mountain. So you want to buy a T-shirt/a pair of shorts / sport shoes. Key words and sentences: try on size how much Which___do you like, the _____one or the _____one? Situation 3: Sport meeting is coming. And you ... ...

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