
Unit 4 What can you do? PC Story time 课件

日期:2024-06-20 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:97次 大小:12939426Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件32张PPT。PEP primary English unit 4 What can you do?story time Let’s chantDog, dog, what can you do? I can swim after you. Panda ,panda, what can you do? I can eat so much bamboo. Mouse ,mouse ,what can you do? I can sing English songs. Mike, Mike, what can you do? I can draw animals in the zoo!-What can they do?-They can sing and dance.-Can he sing and dance? -No, he can’t. He can swim.Guess! What will happen when the rat meets the snake? (老鼠与蛇之间会发生什么呢?)If you are the rat,what will you do? (如果你是那只老鼠你会怎么做呢?)Watching with a problen: what happened when the rat meets the snake?(带着问题看故事:老鼠遇见蛇会发生什么事情呢?)蛇:我很饿,嗯......美味来了,现在我可以饱餐一顿了。老鼠:亲爱的蛇大哥,请等一等,我能为您做很多事情。蛇:哦?你会做什么?你会唱歌吗?老鼠:是的,我会。蛇:你会跳舞吗?老鼠:是的,我会。让我走吧,然后我就可以为你跳舞了。蛇:让我想想,这附近有湖,你会游泳吗?老鼠:不,我不会!请别把我扔进湖里!老鼠:哈哈,你太愚蠢了!老鼠:现在我可以游走了,拜!what happened when the rat meets the snake? (老鼠遇见蛇发生了什么事?可用中文表述。) The snake catches the rat and he wants to eat it,the rat use its wit to escape from danger.(蛇抓住了老鼠,想要吃掉它,最后老鼠运用机智逃脱了危险。) Task 1: (再读课文,回答问题)1.What can the rat do? (老鼠会做什么?) 2.What can the snake do? (蛇会做什么?) (在文中圈出老鼠及蛇会做的事情) Snake:I‘m hungry. Mmm...Here come some tasty food. Now I can eat.(我太饿了,恩...美味来了,我能饱餐一顿了。) Rat: Dear snake,wait a minute.I can do things for you. (亲爱的蛇大哥,请等一等,我能为你做许多事情。) Snake:Oh! What can you do? Can you sing? (噢!你会做什么?你会唱歌吗?) Rat: Yes, I can.(是的,我会。) Snake:Can you dance?(你会唱歌吗?) Rat: Yes ,I can .Let me go. Then I can dance for you. (是的,我会,让我走吧,然后我就能为你唱歌了。) Snake:Let me see. There is a lake near here. Can you swim? (让我想想,这附件有湖,你会游泳吗?) Rat: No! Don‘t throw(扔进) me into the lake please! (不!不要把我扔进湖里!) Rat: Haha! Silly(愚蠢的) snake! Now I can swim away. Bye! (哈哈!愚蠢的蛇!现在我能游走了,拜!) Q:1.What can the rat do?(老鼠会做什么?) 2.What can the snake do?(蛇会做什么?) What can the rat do? (老鼠会做些什么?) He can 、 and . singdance swim 把 ...... 扔 进 ......He can throw the rat into the lake.What can the snake do? (蛇会做些什么呢?) !lake湖Rat ,rat ,what can you do? I can sing , dance and swim. I can sing , dance and swim. Snake ,snake, what can you do? I can throw ,throw you into a lake. I can throw ,throw you into a lake. (把你扔进湖里)Let's chant!Imitate the flash.(跟读录音)要求:跟读时要模仿录音的语音语调,注意老鼠与蛇对话时的语气(老鼠被抓时应读出害怕的语气,以及蛇抓住老鼠时开心的语气。) Discussion:(讨论) What do you think of the rat?How about snake?(老鼠运用机智成功逃脱,你认为故事中的老鼠如何?蛇呢?) The rat is ,the snake is .clever sillyTask 2:role play!(角色扮演)I'm hungry.Mmm...Here come some tasty food. Now I c ... ...

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