
Unit 4 What can you do? PC Story time 课件

日期:2024-06-20 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:16次 大小:4575299Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件28张PPT。Story time Task 1 To read 读故事Task 2 To imitate and find 模仿并寻找线索 Task 3 To imagine 想象 our own book One day , they met each other, what will happen?...Read and answerTipsRead carefully and take notes (听故事,做记录): In the story What can the snake do? What can the rat do?task 1Read and findTips1.Read and underline the words you don’t know. Help to read in group (自读故 事并给不理解的词语划上波浪线.组内互相帮助解 决生词) 2.GL collects the words and tell the teacher (组长收集记录下本组无法解决的词汇给老师) 3. GL helps the groups to read after teacher teaches the words.(老师讲完后 组长帮助组员处理生词) 4.Finish the job in 2minutes. (在2分钟内完成)1.Read and underline the words you don’t know. Help to read in group (自读故 事并给不理解的词语划上波浪线.组内互相帮助解 决生词) 2.GL collects the words and tell the teacher (组长收集记录下本组无法解决的词汇给老师) 3. GL helps the groups to read after teacher teaches the words.(老师讲完后 组长帮助组员处理生词) 4.Finish the job in 2minutes.Read and findTips1.Read and underline the words you don’t know. Help to read in group (自读故 事并给不理解的词语划上波浪线.组内互相帮助解 决生词) 2.GL collects the words and tell the teacher (组长收集记录下本组无法解决的词汇给老师) 3. GL helps the groups to read after teacher teaches the words.(老师讲完后 组长帮助组员处理生词) 4.Finish the job in 2minutes.Read and findTipsPhonics for the unknown wordsLong a aiwtatstyalkeShort iiswmimnuteisllyowsnthringthowdelicious扔not cleverWait a minute! 等一下!Here comes some tasty foodHere comes some delicious foodHere comes some yummy food.Dear snake, wait a minute!I can do things for you !Don’t throw me into the lake!Haha! Silly snake! Now I can swim away!Task 1Task 2Task 3Our own bookTo imitateTips1. Read aloud. (声音洪亮、整齐)2. Imitate the pronunciation and intonation(模仿正确的语音,语调)2. Read it out in group.(分小组朗读故事,一组一图。)goodbetterbesttask 2Read and findThe rat get away from the snake, Which sentences you think helped him to escape? Why ? 你认为是哪几幅图的哪几句话帮助小老鼠逃脱了危险?说出你的理由。理由尽量用英语,不会的可以用中文。2. Discuss with your GM(组内讨论)3. Find the answer in 1 minute. (在1分钟内找到你的答案和理由)1. Read with your GM(组内细读)3. Find the answer in 1 minute. (在1分钟内找到你的答案和理由)Read and findThe rat get away from the snake, Which sentences you think helped him to escape? Why ? 你认为是哪几幅图的哪几句话帮助小老鼠逃脱了危险? 说出你的理由。理由尽量用英语,不会的可以用中文。2. Discuss with your GM(组内讨论)1. Read with your GM(组内细读)Useful expressionsDear snake, wait a minute!I can do things for you!Don’t throw me into the lake, please!honey-tongued 甜言蜜语Lie to protect 保护自己 的谎言Task 1Task 2Task 3Who will they meet? Imagine and actWhat will happen next? create a new story. 接下来他们遇到其他动物可能会发生什么? 创编出你的故事1. Be logical(故事有逻辑性)2. Be right(模仿原故事的句型,语法正确)3. Be creative(故事有创新)4. C ... ...

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