
(新蕾)快乐英语二年级下册教案 unit5 lesson1

日期:2024-05-15 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:79次 大小:13384Byte 来源:二一课件通
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本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网www.21cnjy.com 新蕾快乐英语二年级下册教案 Unit5 my home Lesson1 this is my bedroom 教学目标 1. 知识目标: The students should be teached to learn these words: a lving room, a dining room, a bathroom, a study, a kitchen. They are required to be able to speak, write and use these new words. 2.能力目标: The students are required to be able to speak and use these new words freely in daily life. The teacher should as much as he/she can encourage the students to speak English in daily life. 3. 情感目标: the teacher should create a condition where the students can enjoy themslves much while they are learning English. In other words, learning English should be a fun, not a boreing job. 过程与方法 The teacher shoule make full use of CAI and all kinds of tools to make the English classes vivid and interesting. The main method is using pictures with words to enable students to master the new knowledge. 教学重点 The learning of the new words. 教学难点 It’s difficult for students to master these new words well and pronounce them crrectly. Especially, it’s difficult for them to speak them well. 教学工具 课件,单词卡片,等等。 教学过程 Step1 warm-up 1. greeting 2. sing a song Step2 new class presentation 1. teach the word “room” 1)出示一张房间的图片 T:这是什么啊? Ss:房子。 T:right. It’s a room,房间。(出示单词room,领读几遍,然后抽查学生读,且加以纠正其发音) 接着出示几张不同的房间图片。 2)讨论 让学生们各自说说自己的room里面都有哪些摆设(床,桌子等等) 2. teach the phrases(a living room,a dining room, a bathroom, a study, a kitchen) T: 大家说一说咱们家里都有哪些room呢? S1:卧室 S2:厨房 S3:客厅 T:同学们说的真好,对,咱们各自家里都有厨房kitchen(出示厨房图片),洗澡间bathroom(出示洗澡间图片),书房study(出示书房图片),餐厅a dining room(出示餐厅图片),客厅a living room(出示客厅图片) T:living room,我们在living room聊天,看电视。哪位同学告诉我我们在bathroom可以干什么呢? S1:吃饭 T:嗯,不对。还有谁知道? S2:洗澡 T:right. 我们在bathroom洗澡,在bathroom洗头,在bathroom我们把自己洗的干干净净的,然后在bathroom把身上喷上香水,香喷喷的。同学们知道我们在那个room写作业吗 S3:room里面写作业 T:只说对了一半哦,我们在什么样的room写作业呢?他是专门用来写字看书的哦。对了,是study,我们在study里看书,写作业,study里面有书架,书架上面有好多的书,还有桌子,我们在桌子上写作业,还有台灯,台灯照亮了整个study。 T:(出示一张kitchen图片)这是什么呢?哦,对了,它是kitchen。谁知道kitchen是用来做什么的吗? S4:kitchen是用来吃饭的 T:嗯,不对。Kitchen不是用来吃饭,是用来做饭的。妈妈在kitchen里面叮叮当当给我们做美味的饭菜,哦,好香啊(出示一张菜的图片)来大家跟我读读,kitchen,kitchen,kitchen,美味的饭菜在kitchen。 T:妈妈在kitchen准备好了饭菜我们该上哪去吃呢? S5:living room. T:非常好哦,记住了这个单词哦。但是living room 不是吃饭的地方哦,吃饭我们应该在dining room。在dining room里面,妈妈把饭菜摆放好以后,我们就可以开动了哦。来跟老师说:dining room,dining room,美味的饭菜填满小肚肚。 3. practice 1. 填空 I eat(吃饭 ... ...

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