
Unit 3 Whose bag is this? 教案

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:11次 大小:121628Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 3 Whose bag is this 教案 一、教学目标: 1、学会询问和回答东西的主人是谁。 2、学会单词 “whose, know, his”及名词所有格的表达。 3、培养学会的语言交际能力,及继续学习英语的兴趣。 二、教学重点、难点: 学会询问和回答东西的主人是谁。 三、课程资源: 录音机,录音带,单词卡片,图片。 四、教学过程: 一、Greetings: T: Good morning, class. Ss: Good morning, teacher. T: Nice to meet you. Ss: Nice to meet you, too. T: I’m happy today. I want to sing a song. Do you want to sing a song Ss: Yes. T: Let’s sing together. 二、Revision: T:(与一生交流)Hello. Nice to meet you. Ss: Nice to meet you, too. T:(拿同桌书)What’s this S1: It’s a book. T: Is it your book S1: No, it’s not. T: Is it your book S2: Yes, it is. T: Here you are. S2: Thanks. T: You’re welcome. T:(拿铅笔)Is this your pencil S3: Yes, it is. T: Here you are. S3: Thanks. T: You’re welcome. T:(指一生书包)What’s this S4: It’s a bag. T: Is it your bag S4: No, it’s not. T: Is it your bag S5: Yes, it is. T: Here you are. S5: Thanks. T: You’re welcome. T:(出示书包)I have a bag, too. What color is it Ss: It’s yellow. T: It’s a yellow bag. Is this your bag Ss: No, it’s not. T: Whose bag is it 这是谁的书包? This lesson we’ll learn Lesson 3 Whose Bag Is This (partⅠ) 板书课题。读课题。 三、Teaching the new lesson: T: Open your books to page 32. Look at the picture. Who’re they S1: They’re Jimmy, Steve, and Jess.(贴人物头像) T: What’re they talking Now, please listen to the tape carefully. And think what they are talking. Listen to the tape. T: What’re they talking 生回答。 T:(出示书包)What’s this Ss: It’s a bag. T: Yes, it’s a bag. A bag!(板书A bag!) T: Is this your bag Ss: No, it’s not. T: Whose bag is this 出示单词卡片(whose 谁的) Spell it.生依次拼读。 T: Whose bag is this (板书:Whose bag is this ) What’s meaning 这是谁的书包? T: Ask me. Ss: Whose bag is this T: Well, I don’t know. (动作耸肩,摊手) 出示单词卡片 know 知道,生读 know, 出示单词卡片 no 不,讲解同音词。 T: Ask me. Whose bag is this Ss: Whose bag is this T: Well, I don’t know.(板书Well, I don’t know.) T:(出示蓝色书包图片)Look! It’s a bag, too. What color is it Ss: It’s blue. T: Whose bag is this Ss: Well, I don’t know T: Oh, it’s Ken’s. Whose bag is this Ss: It’s Ken’s. T:(走近学生)What’s your name (拿起该生的书包) It’s S1’s bag. T: Whose bag is this Ss: It’s S1’s. T:(出示蓝色书包)Is it Ken’s bag Ss: Yes, it is.(板书Is it Ken’s bag ) T: Is it Ken’s bag Ss: Yes, it is. T:(出示黄色书包)Is it Ken’s bag Ss: No, it’s not.(板书No, it’s not.) T: It’s not Ken’s bag. This is Ken’s bag. What color is Ken’s bag Ss: Blue. T: His bag is blue. 出示单词卡片his 他的,拼读。 T:(走近学生,指一男生书包)Look! This is his bag. (指一女生书包) This is her bag. His bag. Her bag. T: What color is his bag Ss: His bag is…. T: What color is her bag Ss: Her bag is…. T: What color is his coat Ss: His coat is red. T:(出示图片)What color is Ken’s bag Ss: His bag is blue.(板书His bag i ... ...

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