
Unit 7 Let’s go swimming 教案

日期:2024-05-06 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:81次 大小:120934Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 7 Let’s go swimming 教案 1教学目标 1、知识目标:掌握三会单词并且学会听指令做动作。 2、能力目标:使学生在情境中熟练应用所学内容,提高学生听、说能力。 3、情感目标:培养学生的合作精神和竞争意识。 2学情分析 学生刚刚进入到四年级,对语言知识有了一定的储备,同时还需要一些更高层次的训练,也可以说是一个提高的阶段。所以,在这个阶段,我们应该引导学生学会使用所学的知识,为日常生活和交流服务。例如,学生可能对arms, knees, toes三个单词有所了解,那么我们就要在这个基础上进行引导性教学,让学生作为学习的主体。 3重点难点 Bend your knees. Touch your toes. Shake your arms .jump 10 times. 4教学过程 活动1【导入】热身导入; 1、师生互相问候。 T: Hello, boys and girls. T: Today, we have some teachers to our school. Let's say "hello" to them. S: Hello, teachers. T: Now, let’s sing a song, OK S: OK. 2. T: Do you remember this song. In this lesson, let’s go on to talk about our body parts. We know: Healthy is very important for us. If we want to keep healthy, we must do the exercise every day. T: Our friends Li Li and Kate also do the exercise every day, What are they doing Now, let’s listen to the tape. 活动2【讲授】讲授新知; 初听。 1、听音,同时教师用图片和动作提示录音中出现的关键词。(slide, exercise, lift your arms, bend your knees, touch your toes, jump into the water) 2、T:What are they doing (做准备动作) 精听。 1、T:Could you say it Let’s listen again. S1: exercise T: Let’s do the exercise. exercise--the exercise--do the exercise 2、T: How do they do the exercise 听音学句子。 T: First. S: shake your arms. lift lift lift Lift your arms. T: Second. Ss: Bend your knees. bend:做动作 bend bend bend Bend your knees. T: Third. Ss: Touch your toes. touch:做动作。Touch touch touch Touch your toes. T: Please listen to me carefully and do the action. OK Everyone, stand up. 3、T: Is Li Li swimming now Ss : No. T: She wants to go down the slide. slide--the slide--go down the slide--I want to go down the slide. 4、T:Are they swimming now Listen! What does Kate say 引出:Now, let’s jump into the water. 三听。 1、Chant练习:用P91的chant进行有节奏的练习。 T: Can you read it Ss: I want to go down the slide. … T: Listen to the tape and follow it. Ss:… T: Next, check it out! 2、T: You’re Li Li and I’m Kate. 再读。分角色朗读。(发给学生人物头像) 活动3【活动】巩固、操练 1)计时猜词。全班分两组,第一组出一个人看短语做动作,第一组的其他成员说句子,在30秒内看哪组最多。最后分成师生两组,看学生能有多少种方式将“Touch your _____.”“_____your arms.”补充完整。 2)Read and match.读一读,连一连。 3)情景对话。 T: Steve and Jack are going to swim. First, they do the exercise. How can they do I’ll ask two students fill in the blanks. Steve: Let’s go swimming. Jack: Great. Steve: First, let’s do the exercise. _____ your arms. _____ your knees. _____ your toes. Now, let’s jump into the water. 活动4【作业】总结和布置作业 1、Sum up T: What have we learnt today Let’s look at the blackbord. T: So much for today. Please remember: Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. 2、Homework ... ...

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