
英语九年级上上海新世纪版 Unit2Lesson 2 news from school broadcastin课件(18张)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:10次 大小:3129537Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件18张PPT。U2L2 News from a School Broadcasting StationNews from… Now turning to the… Now for the… That’s all for …, Join us again… 1.architect n. 建筑师 / `a:kItekt/ architecture n. 建筑学/ `a:kitektFE/ I like Greek architecture. 2.establish v. 建立,设立 / I`stAbliF/ 3.succeed vi. / sEk`si;d/ success n. successful a. succeed in doing sth. fail v. / feil/ 在……失败 failure n./ `feiljE/   4. competition n. / 7kCmpI`tIFEn/ ( with/ between/for)  compete / kEm`pi:t/ v.  a chess competition competition n, 竞赛 / 7kCmpi`tiFEn/ contest competitive a. 竞争的 competitor n. 竞争者 compete v. 竞争,比赛5. rebuild recycle reduce reappear reuse retell redo, reopen, retell, 6. permanent a.永久的 / `pE:mEnEnt/ a permanent job 固定的工作 a permanent address 7.of general interest 普遍感兴趣的 / `dVenErEl/ In his last book, we can find several topics of general interest. 8. consider v. 考虑;认为 / kEn`sIdE/ I consider him a good architect. Please consider my suggestion. 9. fund v. 为……提供资金 / fQnd/ The local government will fund this project. The city government will increase the fund for culture , education and public health next year.10. congratulation / kEn7grAtFu`leIFEn/ congratulate sb. on sth. He congratulated himself on having survived the air-crash. 11. organization / 7C:gEnaI`zIFEn/ organize v. / `C:gEnaiz/ They organized a visit to the museum last …. 12. income c.u. / `InkQm/ He has a small yearly income. I have no idea how much monthly income they get. 13. present / prI`zent/ v. 主持、展示、授予 / `prezEnt/ a. 出席的、目前的 n.礼物 He presented his plan at the meeting. The headmaster presented the winner with a gold medal. 14. classical a. 古典的,经典的 / `klAsIkEl/ drama n. 戏, 剧本 / `dra:mE/15. information n, 信息 inform v. 通知 informative a, 提供信息的 / in`fC:mEtiv/ 16. present n. 礼物 present a. 目前的,出席,在场 present v. 赠送,提出17. responsible a.负责任的; responsibly ad. 负责任的 responsibility n. 责任 18. It’s time for sth. It’s time to do sth. It’s time for the English News Programme It’s time to get started. 20. say sth. in English write it in French 21.负责某事 be responsible for sth. take charge of sth. be in charge of sth.22. education n, 教育 educational a.有教育意义的 educator n, 教育家 23. establish v. 创办,建立 set up buildWhat do the people in the pictures do? What are they doing? Has … succeeded in the competition? What’s … responsible for at the school broadcasting station?Tuning InPicture 1: They are architects. They are designing a bridge. Picture 2: They are space scientists. They are establishing a space station. Picture 3: Yes, she has Picture 4: She’s responsible for the school news.Comprehension Check What’s the news in our school English News Programme today? First, they reported two pieces of news from around the world. 2. What were they about? The U. S. government has started planning to rebuild the World Trade Center towers, and Russia is planning to send a man to the moon by 2025 an ... ...

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