
Module 3 Unit 7 Open day 第一课时(课件+教案+素材)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:49次 大小:22922038Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 7 Open Day 第一课时 21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com)中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Warm up Open Day New words meet We meet John in the park. New words meet ing 会议 meeting room New words gate school gate factory gate New words art We draw pictures in the art room. art room New words hall The Great Hall of the people 人民大会堂 Read and choose It’s big and bright. We can have school party here. Read and choose Teachers can talk with each other in this room. Read and choose Students can draw and paint here. Read and choose It’s big and high. We walk from here everyday. Let’s learn Read and answer. 1. When is the Open Day 2. Where will their parents visit Let’s learn Ms Guo: Children, your parents will come to our school at two o’clock in the afternoon. I’ll meet them at the school gate. What will they do first Can you tell me The Open Day is on 30th April. Ms Guo is asking the children about the day. Let’s learn Ms Guo: Finally, they’ll meet the teachers in the meeting room. Peter: After that, they’ll go to the library. Let’s learn Ben: What will we do there Mum: Sanya has beautiful beaches with clear water. We’ll go swimming there. We’ll also have seafood. The seafood there tastes great! Let’s learn Read and answer. 1. When is the Open Day A. On 30th April B. On 30th March Let’s learn Read and answer. 2. Where will their parents visit first next then after finally meet teachers in the meeting room visit our classroom go to the hall visit the art room go to the library Let’s learn 主语+will+ do指将来发生的事情。如: I will go to the park with my friend.(我将要跟我的朋友一起去公园。) will 表示意愿,如: --Will you go with me -- Yes, I will. Look and number 1 2 3 4 5 Fill in the blacks The Open Day is on 30th April. Ms Guo will meet the parents at the _____. First they will visit the _____. Next they will visit the _____. Then they will go to the _____. After that, they will go to the_____. Finally, they will meet the teachers in the _____. school gate classroom art room hall library meeting room Read and judge Look! This is our school. We have a music on the third floor. We have an art room on the second floor. And there is an big meeting room on the first floor. Teachers always have meeting here. We also have a hall on the ground floor. We can have parties here. Read and judge ( )We have a music room on the second floor. ( )We have a meeting room on the first floor. ( )Teachers have meeting on the first floor ( )We have a art room on the ground floor. √ √ × × Summary Sentences : They will visit the… Words : meet, school gate, art room, hall, meeting room Homework 1. Read the dialogue 3 times. 2. 画自己学校的平面图,并表示各教室的名字。 谢 谢! 21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com)中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 有大把优质资料?一线名师?一线教研员?赶快加入21世纪教育网名师合作团队吧!!月薪过万不是梦!! 详情请看:http://www.21cnjy.com/zhaoshang/Module7 Period1 教 ... ...

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