
Unit 5 July is the seventh month Lesson 27 教案

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:42次 大小:122215Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Lesson 27 一、教学目标 知识目标:学习用英语说出9月份,10月份的时间、活动以及英文表达,结合阅读内容进行口头交流。 能力目标:使学生利用关键词跟图片对课文进行复述,培养学 生听说读及英语表达能力,调动学生大胆说英语的积极性。 情感目标:1、能够保持学习英语的热情 2、能够在学习中保持较强的自信心,遇到困难能想办法克服。 二、教学重难点 重点; 熟练掌握单词:September,Ocober,The Teachers’ Day,China’s National Day 理解并准确掌握句型。 September is the ninth month of the year. October is the tenth month of the year. 难点: 根据关键词和图片复述课文。 三、课前准备 1.准备本课的教学课件,视频。 2.准备一个日历册。 3.学生准备反映9月,10月特征及相关节日特征的图片、照片。 四、教学过程 1. Warming-up / Revision (5 ’) Step 1.Warming up/Revision 播放歌曲。Months of the Year.教师与学生一起唱。 Free talk T:How many months are there in a year Ss:There are twelve months of the year. T:We have learnt eight months.What are they Ss answer.”January、February、March… T:Let’s take a look(出示课件) T:January is the first month of the year.Follow me let’s say together. Ss:February is the second month of the year. March is the third month of the year... 2. Presentation (15 ’) 1)T:Today we will learn others months.(出示课件,课件展示九月、十月、十一月、十二月单词及日历) 2)Learn the new words and the sentences. September is the ninth month of the year. October is the tenth month of the year. 3)Practice What’s missing 1、August October July ? 2、August July ? December Fill in the blank 1、_____is the ninth month of the year. 2、_____is the tenth month of the year. 3、_____is the seventh month of the year. 4、_____is the eighth month of the year. 4)Learn the text (1)T:Open your books,turn to page 59.In this text.There are two parts.Now let’s read part one.And find out the answers in your groups.学生以小组形式讨论。 The question of September: What festival is in September When is it What do the children do Ss answer the questions. (2)Learn “Teachers’ Day” (3)Now let’s read part two.And find out the answers in your groups.学生以小组形式讨论。 The question of October: What festival is in October When is it What are the children doing Ss answer the questions. 4)Learn “National Day” 5)Read the text after the video. 6)学生自读课文 7)Retell the text.学生根据问题及答案复述课文 3. Practice (15 ’) T:I have nine pictures.You can choose one picture and describe the picture.选择图片讨论相关的月份及节日的事情。 4. Assessment Finish the activity book about the lesson. 5. Additional activities/Homework (5 ’) 1)Finish the activity book. 2)查一查9~10月还有哪些节日,包括中国的和英语国家的常见节日,记录下来,并想办法弄清楚它们的英语说法。 本课教学反思 亮点: 1、课前一支歌曲,将学生带入了快乐的英语学习的氛围当中,调动学生学习积极性的同时又巩固了前面所学的知识。 2、复习部分扎实有效,为新课学习做了良好的铺垫。 呈现部分的多媒体课件生动有趣调动了学生学习的积极性,学生对此印象深刻。4、课文理解部分层层深入,理解与提问,做任务相结合,扎实有效。 巩固部分的练习设计深受学生喜 ... ...

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