
Unit 2 She’s quite good at English 第二课时课件

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:95次 大小:5540352Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) M8 Period2 a little shy a little fat(胖) like English What subject do you like (你喜欢什么学科?) Susan Chant and find the subjects(科目) Subject (课程,科目) English Maths Chinese PE(体育) Art (美术) Science Physical Education = I’m quite good at English. I’m not lazy. I’m not naughty in class. I work hard. How about Daming Let’s review! B B A C A D ①. doesn’t work hard ②. runs fast ③. very good ④. quite good ⑤. tries hard Guess and choose(猜一猜,选一选) Listen and check(听一听,查一查) Watch and find the answers(听一听,核对答案) ③. very good Read after the video Look and say (in groups) He is quite good at Maths. He is very good at English. He is good at football. He works hard at Art. He doesn’t work hard at Science. He is not very good at Chinese. He (is)____ at ___. What’s your suggestions to Sam (你对Sam有什么建议?) Please describe their learning in subjects and give some advice. (描述他们的各科学习状况,并给予建议。) Describe(描述) Adcice(建议) Report:Chen Junhao Maths A English A Science A PE A Art A Chinese A She's quite good ,We should learn from her. Report:Xu Mengshang Maths B English C Science A PE A Art A Chinese A watch English movies (多看英文电影) more English communication (多用英语交际) listen to music. (听音乐) watch English movies (多看英文电影) read English books (多看英文书) more English communication (多用英语交际) Report:Lin Jiayi Maths C English A Science A PE A Art B Chinese C exercise more (勤练习) more thinking (多思考) more reading (多读书) take notes (做笔记) write diaries (写日记) Report:Ma Yongjin Maths A English A Science D PE D Art A Chinese A exercise more (多锻炼) more observation. (多观察) take part in some activities (多参加各项活动) Practise more (勤实践) Report:Wang Shuai Maths D English A Science A PE B Art A Chinese C more thinking (多思考) exercise more (勤练习) take notes (做笔记) more reading (多读书) write diaries (写日记) Report:Lin Xue Maths A English C Science A PE B Art A Chinese D more English communication (多用英语交际) read English books (多看英文书) watch English movies (多看英文电影) listen to music. (听音乐) take notes (做笔记) more reading (多读书) write diaries (写日记) Report:Wang Yu Maths D English A Science A PE B Art C Chinese A more thinking (多思考) exercise more (勤练习) more practice (多实践) Report:Yuan Fen Maths B English A Science D PE A Art A Chinese C more observation. (多观察) take notes (做笔记) more reading (多读书) write diaries (写日记) Practise more (勤实践) Report:Xia Yu Maths A English D Science B PE A Art A Chinese A more English communication (多用英语交际) read English books (多看英文书) watch English movies (多看英文电影) listen to music. (听音乐) Report:Han Wen Maths A English A Science A PE A Art A Chinese A She's quite good ,We should learn from her. Report:Xia Hong Maths A English D Science B PE A Art A ... ...

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