
There be 句型考点聚焦 (中考复习)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:23次 大小:8302Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件11张PPT。中考复习 透视语法回顾考例--“Therebe…”句式考点汇聚考点一:动词be的形式 动词be常用的形式有以下几种:   1. 动词be在各种时态中的形式:现在时am,is,are;过去时was,were;将来时will / shall be,would / should be或am/ is / are going to be,was / were going to be;完成时have / has / had been;   2. 与情态动词连用,构成“there +情态动词+ be”的形式;   3. 与seem,appear,used to等表示状态的词语连用,构成“there seem(s) / appear(s)/ used to be…”;   4. “There be…”句式中的be有时用come,enter,follow,arrive,seem,happen等动词代替,但不能用have代替。例如:   There happened to be nobody in the room.   碰巧那时房间里没有人。[试题精选]1)There _____ many new words in Lesson One. It is very easy.   A. is???? B. aren't??? C. isn't???? D. are   (2005年南通市) 2)There _____ a knife and a fork on the table.   A. seems to be???????? B. seem to be   C. is seeming to be??? D. are   (2005年黄冈市) 3)There is some milk in the glass.(改为否定句)   There isn’t any milk in the glass.   (2005年四川省) 考点二:动词be与主语的一致关系1)图书馆前有许多小树。   There are many young trees in front of the library.   (2005年长沙市) 2)-_____ there _____ for me in the bus?   -No,it's crowded.   A. Is,a room??? B. Are,any room   C. Are,rooms??? D. Is,any room   (2005年漳州市) 3)-What's on the desk?   -There _____ a dictionary and two notebooks on it.   A. is???? B. have??? C. are???? D. has考点三:“There be…”与have的区别1)-There _____ a concert this evening.   -Yeah. Exciting news!  A. are going to be????? B. is going to be  C. is going to have???? D. will have   (2005年福州市) 2)There _____ a football game between Italy and Germany tomorrow morning.  A. has??????????? B. is going to have  C. will be???? D. has been (2005年武汉市)考点四:“There be…”句式的反意疑问句陈述部分为“There be…”句式的反意疑问句,简短问句由“be的适当形式+ there”构成。需要注意的是陈述部分中是否有seldom,hardly,little,few,no,nothing,nobody之类的否定词或半否定词。若有,该部分应看作否定意义,简短问句部分则用肯定式;如果陈述部分含有表示否定意义前缀的单词,该部分仍应看作肯定意义,简短问句部分要用否定形式。例如:   There is nothing in the box,is there?   There was an unusual bike under the tree,wasn't there?[试题精选]1)There is some water in that bottle,isn't _____? A. there?? B. it?? C. that?? D. this (2005年武汉市) 2)There is little milk in the bottle.(变为反意疑问句)(2005年桂林市) There is little milk in the bottle,is there?[巩固练习]1. Look! There _____ some apples on that tree.   A. is?? B. was?? C. are?? D. were 2. -Where is my money? I can't find it.  -Look! _____ some money under your chair.   A. There has???? B. There are???? C. There is???? D. It's 3. There _____ a football game this afternoon.   A. will have????? B. is going to be   C. has??????????? D. is going to have[巩固练习]4. There is going to _____ a basketball match in the playground this af ... ...

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