
2018届高考英语一轮复习课件(人教版):必修6 Unit 2 Poems

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:72次 大小:578965Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件47张PPT。话题词汇 1.poetry n.诗歌 2.poet n.诗人 3.rhyme n.韵脚;押韵 4.transform v.转化;改造 5.appropriate adj.适当的;正当的 6.be popular with受……欢迎 7.take one’s advice接受某人的建议 8.be made up of由……构成 9.give sb. a deep impression给某人一个深刻的印象 10.translate...into...把……翻译成……晨背佳作 积累素材 话题佳作 Wendy是你的美国笔友,非常喜欢中国文化,故给你(张伟)写信想了解唐诗。请你根据下列要点提示给她写一封回信,对唐诗加以介绍: 1.形式多样:有古体诗和近体诗。就字数来看基本上有五言和七言两种。 2.题材广泛:反映社会状况,描绘风景等。 3.著名诗人:……佳作欣赏 Dear Wendy, I’m so glad to receive your letter.And it is really a coincidence that you asked me about the Tang poems,and I just have learnt something about them. The Tang poems are various in forms and subjects.Generally speaking,they can be divided into two groups—classical poems and modern poems.Not only the length of a line but also the length of a poem is limited to a certain number of words.There are often four or eight or twelve lines with five or seven words in each line.Poets wrote poems for different purposes,for example,exposing the darkness of the society and describing the beautiful scenes.There were many famous poets during the Tang Dynasty,such as Li Bai,Du Fu and Bai Juyi.If you want to read more,the book 300 Tang Poems is a good choice,which includes poems of many well-known poets.After reading them,you will have a better understanding of the Tang poems. Yours sincerely, Zhang Wei名师点睛 本文符合题目要求,条理清楚,增加的细节恰到好处,句子结构把握准确,较好地运用了各种句式,如主语从句、状语从句、定语从句等,generally speaking,not only...but also...,be limited to,such as等关联词组和高级词汇的运用使文章表达更加流畅。自主排查 语境提升直击重点 突破考点内容索引教材升华 综合运用自主排查 语境提升Ⅰ.写作必记单词 1. vt.传达;运送 2. adj.灵活的;可弯曲的;柔顺的 3. adj.含盐的;咸的 n.盐 4. adv.最后;终于 5. vi.&vt.转化;转换;改造;变换 6. adj.赤裸的;光秃的;稀少的 n.最基本的要素1conveyflexiblesaltysalteventuallytransformbare7. n.交换;交流;互换 vt.&vi.调换;交换 8. n.赞助人;主办者;倡议者 vt.发起;举办;倡议 9. n.暖和;温暖 adj.温暖的;暖和的 10. n.负担;负荷物(尤指沉重的)exchangesponsorwarmthwarmloadⅡ.阅读识记单词 11.concrete adj._____ 12.pattern n._____ 13.tease vi.&vt._____ 14.endless adj._____ 15.minimum n._____ 16.translation n._____ v.翻译 17.branch n._____ 18.sorrow n._____具体的模式;式样;图案取笑;招惹;戏弄无穷的;无止境的最低限度;最少量;最小数翻译;译文translate枝条;支流;部门悲伤;悲痛;懊悔19.forever adv._____ 20.section n._____ 21.appropriate adj._____ 22.diploma n._____ 23.blank n._____ adj._____ 24.bride n._____ 25.championship n._____ 26.darkness n._____ adj.黑暗的 27.scholarship n._____ n.学者;奖学金获得者永远部分;节;切下的块适当的;正当的毕业文凭;学位证书空白空白的;茫然的新娘冠军称号黑暗;漆黑dark奖学金;学问;学术成就scholar语境活用  [用所给词的正确形式填空] 1.Walking through the rooms and talking with the owners ... ...

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