
Unit 12 The ugly duckling 第一课时教案

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:65次 大小:120782Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 12 The ugly duckling 教案 课时1 1教学目标 能在语境中正确运用本单元的核心词汇。 能用恰当的句子和语调表达故事中的相关内容。 通过故事阅读,明白故事寓意。 2学情分析 学生对这个故事很了解,因此讲授起来会有认同感。但是有些单词比较难,这也成为教学中的难点。 3重点难点 重点:词汇:ugly ,duck duckling ,baby, river 句型:It is sunny and warm. Mother Duck has three eggs. 难点:理解Mother Duck sits on the eggs. 4教学过程 活动1【导入】一、Warm up 唱歌曲 师:The first, let’s sing together, Ok Clap your hands please. 生:Ok. 读单词。 You sang loudly and clearly. Now let’s read the words. 角色展示上单元短剧内容。 Ok , this time let’s role reading the story 《who stole the corn》 part1 . Who wantto try (角色配音朗读) Now who want to role reading part2. 活动2【讲授】二、教学过程 整体呈现短剧,初步感知故事内容 T:教师出示图片 问:What’s this 学生:It’s a duck. T:Yes, Her name is Ugly Duckling. Today, Let’s learn the new story about the Ugly duckling.板书课题:The Ugly duckling Before watching the story, there is a question: What animals can you see 2. 整体再现,带问题理解故事,努力记住单词swan。 At last, what happened to the ugly duckling Let’s watch and listen again. 3. 根据故事内容配合VCD 师生问答逐一理解故事和词句。 第一段 : who is she 引导学生回答:she is ugly duckling. Do the other ducks like the ugly duckling 引导学生观看并且回答:No they don’t. What are they going to do 引导学生回答:Swimming. 师在完整的说:They are going to swim. Who are they (引导回答ducks)(板书baby ducks) Do they want to play with the ugly duckling 引导回答:No, they don’t. Why 引导学生回答:She is too ugly.(板书ugly)理解ugly学生单词 Is she happy 引导回答:No, she isn’t.(板书图片哭脸(not happy)) Where is the ugly duckling 引导学生回答:on a farm Who are they 引导学生回答:chicks (板书baby chicks) Do the baby chicks want to eat with her 引导回答:No, they don’t. Why 引导学生回答:She is too ugly. Is she happy 引导回答:No, she isn’t. Who comes 引导回答:Hawk.学习单词hawk 第二段: Who are they 引导回答:baby hawks(板书baby hawks) Do the baby hawks want to eat the ugly duckling 引导回答:No, they don’t. Why 引导学生回答:She is too ugly. Is she happy 引导回答:No, she isn’t. 活动3【活动】Step 3. Post—task activities 1. Fill in the blanks. (Listen and write. ) 1) It’s sunny and warm. Mother Duck is near the river. 2) Mother Duck has three eggs. They are small. 3) Now there are four eggs in the nest. The fourth egg is big. 4) Mother Duck sits on the eggs. 5) Three eggs open. Mother Duck is happy. Mother Duck sees three ducklings. They are small and yellow. 6) The big egg opens. The duckling is big and grey. He is ugly. 2. Listen, imitate and read. 3. Have students role -play. (1)Teacher models. (2)Group work. 活动4【活动】Step 4. Sum up 1) It’s sunny and warm. Mother Duck is near the river. 2) Mother Duck has three eggs. They are small. 3) Now there are four eggs in the nest. The fourth egg is big. 4) Mother Duck sits on the eggs. 5) Three eggs open. Mother Duck is happy. Mother Duck sees three ducklings. ... ...

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