
Unit5 My clothes PB Let’s learn 课件+教案+同步精练

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:88次 大小:15367179Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 5 My clothes PB Let’s learn Let’s sing I see____. Look and say What clothes can you see Lead-in Sarah is looking for her new socks. What clothes do you see in the picture I see a coat. Let’s learn boat coat goat Whose coat is that It’s my mother’s. What’s this It’s a shirt. sh t ir The pink shirt is my mother’s ,too. Let’s learn Is this a shirt No, it isn’t. It’s a jacket. Let’s learn Jack ja cket Which jacket do you want to wear I want to wear the… jacket. Ask and answer Wow! A beautiful sweater. Let’s learn bread swea ter ea What colour is it It’s green. What are these They’re shorts. Let’s learn shorts意为“短裤”,总是被看作复数。“这条短裤”、“那条短裤”不可以说this shorts, that shorts, 应该说 these shorts,those shorts。 short shorts Which shorts do you want to wear I want to wear the… shorts. Ask and answer These are socks. Let’s learn 英语中,socks(袜子)或shoes (鞋子)通常以复数形式呈现。 sock socks clock What colour are they They’re white. Watch and learn 根据发音,快速说出汉语意思。 音义匹配 Fill in the blanks Mum, where ___ my new_____ are socks _____ ____ are they White. What colour Role-play Mum, where ___ my _____ What colour is it/ are they _____. jacket clothes socks shirt sweater shorts coat 过目不忘 socks sweater shirt jacket coat shorts Look and match Let’s sing I like the ___ ____. Look and say Let’s find out Choose and colour 小组活动,每个成员先在课本上选出想要穿的衣服并涂色,然后相互问答练习。 A: What do you want to wear B: I want to wear the … coat jacket sweater shirt shorts socks 询问物品的颜色并回答 —What colour is it/are they —... 表达想穿某衣物 I want to wear the… Summary clothes Homework 1.听录音跟读本课单词和句子,并在四线格上正确抄写本课单词。 2.制作衣物卡片,运用本课所学句型与同伴进行问答对话。 3.完成同步练习。登陆21世纪教育 助您教考全无忧 Unit 5 My clothes PB Let’s learn 教学目标 1. 能够听、说、认读单词coat, shirt, jacket, sweater, shorts, socks。 2. 能够熟练运用上述单词在句型Wher e are/is my … What colour are they/ is it 中,就衣物的位置和颜色展开问答。 3. 养成及时整理个人物品的好习惯。 重点:听、说、认读上述单词;并运用句型Wh ere are/is my … What colour are they/ is it 中,就衣物的位置和颜色展开问答。2·1·c·n·j·y 难点:名词单复数的正确使用。 教学过程 Step 1. Warm-up 1. Let’s sing. PPT 播 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com" \o "欢迎登陆21世纪教育网 )放歌曲Colour song, 学生跟唱, 复习颜色词语。 2. Look and say. 呈现衣物,然后快速说出相应的英语。 Step2. Presentation and practice 1. Lead-in. 呈现本课情景图, ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com" \o "欢迎登陆21世纪教育网 )T:Sarah is looking for her new socks. What clothes do you see in the picture 【来源:21·世纪·教育·网】 2. Let’s learn. 呈现“外套”图片和句子I see a coat. 然后学习单词和发音。 网 同样的方法学习shirt, jacket, sweater, shorts, socks。学习shorts和socks时,适时点拨用法。21教育网 3. Watch and learn. 观看视频 Let’s learn。看、听、模仿跟读单词和句子。 根据班级 ... ...

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