
Unit 3 My father is a writer Lesson 15 教案

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:88次 大小:121747Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 3 My father is a writer. Lesson 15 教学目标: 1、知识目标:让学生进一步学习有关职业类的词汇,并能回答别人关于职业的提问。 学目标语言:What does your father do He’s an actor. 2、能力目标:能够在真实语境,现实生活中熟练运用所学语 进行日常交流活动。 3、情感目标:让学生初步树立自己的职业梦想。 二、教学重点:让学生进一步学习有关职业类的词汇,并能回答别人关于职业的提问。 学目标语言:What does your father do He’s an actor. 三、教学难点:能正确地回答别人对于自己的家庭成员职业的提问。 四、教学过程:1、Warming-up/Revision 1) Greetings. T: Goo d morning Children! Class: Good morning Miss Yang. T: Nice to see to see you again! Class: Nice to see you, too. 2) Let’s chant: The f armers are in the dell. The farmers are in the dell. The drivers are in the car. The drivers are in the car. The teacher s are in the school. The teachers are in the school. 3) Free talk: Who is this What does he do Is your father a teacher Do you want to be a teacher What do you want to be 幻灯片显示这些问题,教师反复这些语言,为新知学习打下基础。 2、Presentation 1)呈现情景。 T: Today, our schoo l will have a TV Talk Show. We’ll invite some students and their family members. Let’s talk about our families. T: This is Wei Mi n, What do you want to know about him 引导学生根据已有的知识询问关于Wei Min的个人信息。 播放Wei Min的自我介绍,同学抓取关键信息,回答问题。模仿Wei Min做自我介绍。 2)Just talk环节。学习a ctor, actress. 教师引导学生教材中的图片,提问What does his father do Listen and answer the question. 通过听,提取关键词引出actor. And what about his mother Is she an actress 通过列举学生熟知的演员并区分男女演员。No. She’s a factory worker .认读factory worker。学生扮演女主持人和Wei Min分角色体验朗读。 3)感知I want to be…… Wei Min’s father is an actor. What does Wei Min want to be in the future Listen and choose. 课件给出三个先项,actor, actress, factory worker. 学生通过听进行选择,再次区分男女演员。 3、Practice 1)多种方式引导学生检验、模仿Just talk 中语句,多种方式操练对话。 2)分角色体验表演对话。 3)新编chant。 4)Game: Wei M in’s father is an actor. Wei Min wants to be an actor like his dad.. What do you want to be in the future 课件中出现描述职业的语言,全班同学读后一起提问:What do you want to be 班里同学想要成为这一职业者就起立回答I want to be …… 4、Language use 教师在教室前面摆上桌子和椅子,准备好麦克风,模仿课文情景参加TV Talk Show。 使用语言言: Let me introduce my parents to you. What does your father/mother do He’s/ She’s a/an …… What do you want to be I want to be a/an…… 5、Homework Read the text and recite it.. ... ...

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