
柳州市城中区2017年九年级教学质量抽测试卷(四月) 英语(含题听力及答案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:62次 大小:12088532Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    2017年九年级教学质量抽测(四月)英语听力原文和参考答案 听力材料 听音辨图。听句子,选择与你所听到的句子内容相符的图画。每个句子读两遍。 1. There will be a basketball match in our school on Friday. 2. I don’t like eating hamburgers but my sister likes. 3. He usually goes to school by bike. 4. Tom wants to be a doctor in the future. 第二节 情景反应。听句子,选择恰当的答语。每个句子读两遍。 5. Good afternoon! 6. What’s the weather like 7. What can I do for you 8. Are there any pictures on the wall 9. Remember to close the door when you leave. 10. Help yourself to some apples. 第三节 对话理解。 (一)听五组短对话和五个问题,选择正确的答案。每组对话读两遍。 11. M: I think we are late now! W: Really But it’s just half past six now! M: Question: What’s the time now 12. M: Will people use bikes or buses in the city in five years W: Neither. They will use cars. M: Question: What will people use in five years 13. W: Where are you from Jim M: I’m from America but now I live in China with my parents. W: Question: Where is Jim now 14. M: Jacky, what animals do you like W: I like many anima ls like giraffes and tigers, but I like pandas best. M: Question: What is Jacky’s favorite animal 15. W: Kate, whose book is this M: Oh, Lily borrowed it from Jim yesterday. Maybe she forgot it here. W: Question: Whose book is this (二)听三段长对话,根据所听内容选择正确的答案,每组对话读两遍。 听第一段长对话,回答16--18小题。 M: Summer holiday wil l begin next month. What are you going to do after the exam, Amy W: My parents will ta ke me back to England. We will visit our grandparents in London. M: Oh, they will be very happy to see you again. W: Sure, I ha ven’t seen them for a long time. What is your plan, Peter M: Maybe my parents will take me to a few cities in the south. W: That will be interesting. Which cities are you going to visit M: Maybe Guangzhou, Shanghai, Nanjing and Wuhan. W: Oh, they are all places of great interest in China. I think you’ll have a good time. M: I’m sure I will. Thank you. W: Questions: 16. Where do Amy’s grandparents live 17. What are Peter’s families going to do this summer 18. Will Peter visit Nanjing 听第二段长对话,回答19--21小题。 M: What do you plan to do this weekend W: I have no idea. M: There’s going to be a basketball match this Sunday. Tom and I are going to watch it. Do you like basketball W: Of course. Bas ketball is my favourite. But I have no ticket for the match. What a pity! M: You’re lucky. I have some free tickets. Let’s share them together. W: Great! When and where should we meet M: Let’s meet at the bus stop at half past five. W: I think there must be a lot of people there. What about making it a little earlier M: OK. See you at five o’clock. W: Questions: 19. What will they watch this Sunday 20. Where will they meet 21. When will they meet 听第三段长对话,回答22--25小题。 W: Hi, Denny. M: Hi, Susan. W: Could you give me a favor, Denny M: Oh, of course. What’s wrong with you W: There is something wro ... ...

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