
Unit 8 Is there a post office near here?全单元

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:63次 大小:5924864Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件72张PPT。Where's the post office?parkrestauranthotelgardenIs there a … in the neighborhood?Yes, there is. It’s on…./ No, there isn’t.post officebridgebanklibraryhospitalairportpay phonesupermarketroadstreetavenuehighway1a post office ____ library _____ hotel _____ restaurant _____ bank _____ supermarket ____ street _____ pay phone _____ park _____ f a e i c b h g dIs there a restaurant on Fifth Avenue? Yes, there is. 2. Is there a post office near here? Yes, there is. There’s one on Bridge Street. 3. Is there a supermarket on Center Street? No, there isn’t.1bIs there a bank near here? Yes, there’s a bank on Center Street.Is there a post office near here? Yes, there is. There’s one on Bridge Street.on the boxunder the boxin the box-Where is the soccer ball?-It’s … the box.-Where is the soccer ball?-It’s _____ the box.behind-Where is the soccer ball?-It’s _____ the box.near-Where is the soccer ball?-It’s _____ the box.next to-Where is the soccer ball?-It’s _____ the box.in front of-Where is the soccer ball?-It’s _____ the box.across frombigsmall-Where is the soccer ball?-It’s _____between the big box and the small box.Where is the pay phone?It’s across from the library.across fromWhere is the pay phone?It’s next to the library.next tobetween… and…Where is the pay phone?It’s between the post office and the library.Where is the pay phone?It’s on the Green Street.on Where is the pay phone?It’s in front of the library.in front ofWhere is the pay phone? It’s behind the library.behind462351The library is _____ the restaurant and supermarket. 2. The park is _____the bank. 3. The supermarket is _____Fifth Avenue. 4. The pay phone is _____ the post office. 5. The restaurant is _____ the post office. 6. The hotel is _____the library. betweenacross fromonnext toListen and fillin front ofbehind2bExcuse me. Is there a library around here? Yes. It’s between the restaurant and the supermarket. 2. Where’s the park? The park? Oh, it’s across from the bank. 3. Excuse me. Is there a supermarket around here? Yes, it’s on Fifth Avenue. 4. Where’s the pay phone? It’s next to the post office. 5. Excuse me. Is there a restaurant around me? Yes. It’s in front of the post office. 6. Where’s the hotel? The hotel ? It’s behind the library.Look at the picture. There’s a school in the picture. It’s_____ School Street. The book store is_____ the school. The bank is _____ _____ the school. The pay phone is_____ the school and the hospital. Can you see the post office? It’s_____ _____the school. There is a supermarket. It’s_____ ____ ____ the park. on behind next to between across from in front ofPairwork across from next to between… and … on in front of behindWhere is the--? It’s1. 某地有某物。There is + a/an + n. + in the ….1 有2 某物3 在某地 (介词短语)There are + (some) + n.-s + in the ….在桌子下有一本书。 在书橱里有一些书。 在地上有一个篮球。 在椅子旁边有一些篮球。 在门的后边有一个书包。 在小汽车的前边有一些小孩。There is a book ... ...

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