
New Magic 1A Week 5 周练

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:55次 大小:971761Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Week 5 Grade 1 English Weekly Homework Class___ Grade___ Name_____ W (书写)___ R (正确)____ DB_____ Time(建议用时):30分钟 Time(实际用时)_____ Sign here(家长签名)_____ Dictation of 26 letters from A to Z. (默写26个英文字母。) Please match the big letters to the small letters. (请把相对应的大小写连接起来。) E h U v Z s G i M n Y r J g V m W z F f N q X y H e P u R w I j Q p S x Please match the characters to their names.(请把人物和他的名字连接起来。) Didi Tim Emma Wicthy Ann Holly Miss Tickle Joe Harry

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