
Unit 5 My clothes PA Let's spell 课件+素材

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:82次 大小:18249490Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit5 My ClothesA Let’s spellnursehamburgerwall hurtcomputersistergirlwatercardtallbirdcardinnerarmballhorseforkhomeworkworldtigerappleunclepeopleappletablepeopleThe people see the apple. The people see the table. The table is big. The apple is little. The little apple on the big table.Let’s chantpeopleappletablelittlelelelelleelelelelelelepbcpcdpeotacirapunnooa little bikeUncle Dana green applenice peoplea big tableRead, underline and listenP50Look, listen and writeChen Jie has a green .appleThis is a bike.littleThat is Uncle Dan’s .tablezledletleblegleeaglebeetlebubbleI can spell小组合作,拼读下列单词turtlepuddlemiddlepuzzlelittleThe turtle and the beetle sit in the middle of a little puddle.The girl in the middle has a puzzle and a little eagle.Look at the little eagle. It has two short legs. Do you like this eagle?Look at the little eagle. It has two short legs. Do you like this eagle?读一读,说说l与le的发音区别Let’s ReadpleasesleeppurplekettlecloselostsingleblackflapleadworldneedleHomework听读P50-52并签字(P50) 单词抄3,听1 阅读 P47 , No. 36 下节课带蜡笔

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