
Unit 8 Science makes our life easy! 课件

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:56次 大小:403705Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件28张PPT。Review翻译以下句子: 1. 我每周一和周四有英语课。 2. 不要担心!我已经和王先生说过话了。 3. Betty和May昨天去动物园了。 4. 当我五岁的时候我开始学英语。 5. 我以前从来没有听说过这个人。 6. 他们每天早上乘坐同样的公交车去学校。 7. 我上个月在飞机场见到了John Smith. 8. 他们还没有得到他们的书。他们仍然在等。说出下列动词的过去式和过去分词。 hurt read buy leave make say sell meet speak fall take see sing swim run hurt hurt bought bought made made sold sold spoke spoken took taken sang sung read read left left said said met met fell fallen saw seen swam swum ran run Exercises:1. My aunt _____( live ) in Australia for 15 days. 2. I _____(see) you in the restaurant last night. 3. Zhao Jing _____ already _____(study) in this school for 2 years. 4. Shanghai _____ (be) a small town 100 years ago. Now it _____(become) a big city. 5. _____ you _____(be) to Hong Kong? Yes, I _____ (be) there twice. has lived saw has studied was becomesHave been have been Unit 8Science makes our life easy. Guess: It helps us to find out how and why things happen.What is science about? Science is all about finding out how and why things happen in the world about you. It’s about everyday things like finding out why somebody catches a cold, how planes can fly in the air and why we need water to live. Science can help us explain why dinosaurs are extinct now. science Who studies science every day?What do scientists do ? One of the first things scientists do is to ask questions. Then they try to answer the questions by looking closely at things. scientist Who are scientists?He / She studies science to find out how fast and how high he /she should fly.A pilot She studies science to find out the right way and the right time to give medicine to patients.A nurseHe studies science to find out how to make a bridge stronger. An engineer She studies science to find out the best way to hit the ball and win the game. A tennis player He /She studies science to learn about stars and planet in space. An astronautHe studies science to help his pupils learn science better. A science teacher Scientists Who are these Scientists?DarwinEinsteinEdisonYang Zhenning Marie JulieChen Jingrun What do you feel?The sunny weather makes us happy / glad / excited. What do you feel?The cloudy weather makes us sleepy / tired / bored / angry/--.Speaking English in class makes you _____. nervous / excited / clever / happy / -- Look and make sentences.The smell of the pizza important. Wearing a green hat famous. The film / movie strong. The sweater angry. The milk sad. The story clever. Reading books hungry. Speaking at the meeting hot/cold. different. makes them me us him her 总结make 的用法 make + sb. + adj. “使某人处于某种状态” make 后面跟代词时用宾格形式,如us, you, me, him, her, them, it . make 后面的形容词多为表示感觉,情感之类的形容词,如happy, excited, nervous, angry, sad, hot, cold, clever等。Listen, read and act. A: What are you doing? B: I’m writing an email to my friend. A: It’s David, isn’t i ... ...

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