
Lesson 10 In the U. K. 同步练习(含答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:64次 大小:92380Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Lesson 10 In the U. K. 同步练习 一、选出每组中不同类的一项。 (  ) 1. A. China B. the U. K. C. Canada D. London (  ) 2. A. famous B. clock C. beautiful D. easy (  ) 3. A. green B. king C. queen D. president (  ) 4. A. Big Ben B. Buckingham Palace C. capital city D. the White House (  ) 5. A. know B. speak C. English D. live 二、把图片与相应的短语连线。 1.              A. a queen 2. B. a map of the U. K. 3. C. Buckingham Palace 4. D. Big Ben 5. E. the flag of the U. K. 三、请为下列词汇分类。 red   cousin  white  Canada  the U. K.   uncle Chinese Washington, D. C. London the U. S. father English Beijing China yellow French Ottawa  _____   _____ _____ _____ _____ 四、单项选择。 (  ) 1. —What country is this —_____ A. It’s the U. K.    B. It’s London. C. It’s New York. (  ) 2. —What is the capital city of the U. K. —_____ A. London is the capital city of the U. K. B. Ottawa is the capital city of the U. K. C. Washington, D. C. is the capital city of the U. K. (  ) 3. —What do they speak in the U. K. —_____ A. They speak English. B. They speak French. C. They speak Chinese. (  ) 4. —_____ —It’s red, white and blue. A. What colour is the flag of China B. What colour is the flag of Canada C. What colour is the U. K.’s flag (  ) 5. —_____ —It’s in London. A. Where is the Palace Museum B. Where is the Buckingham Palace C. What is the Buckingham Palace 五、看图填单词, 完成句子。 1. I _____ about the U. K. The capital city of the U. K. is_____. They speak _____ there.       2. Here is the flag of the _____. It's_____, _____ and blue. 六、连词成句。 1. what, in, speak, do, they, the U. K. ( ) _____ 2. big, clock, very, Big Ben, has, a (. ) _____ 3. in, live, queens, and, kings, palaces (. ) _____ 4. flag, the, of, is, here, U. K. , the (. ) _____ 5. know, I, capital, city, of, the, the, U. K. (. ) _____ 七、阅读短文, 判断正(T)误(F)。 English people like the takeaway food(外卖食物). The most popular(受欢迎的)food is fish and chips. They can buy some food and put the food in paper bags. Then they take it home, or to the workplace. At lunchtime, many people eat the takeaway food in the park. People in the U. S. and Australia like the Chinese takeaway food, too. (  ) 1. English people like fish and chips. (  ) 2. They put the food in the fridge. (  ) 3. They can’t take the takeaway food to the workplace. (  ) 4. Many people have lunch in the park. (  ) 5. People in the U. S. don’t like the Chinese takeaway food. 答案: 一、1. D 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. C 二、1—B 2—E 3—D 4—C 5—A 三、①red,white,yellow ②Canada,the U. K. ,the U. S. ,China ③cousin,uncle,father ④Chinese,English,French ⑤Washington, D. C. ,London,Beijing,Ottawa 四、1. A 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. B 五、1. know,London,English 2. U. K. ,red,white 六、1. What do they speak in the U. K. 2. Big Ben has a very big clock. 3. Kings and queens live in palaces. 4. Here is the flag of the U. K. 5. I know the cap ... ...

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