
Unit 1 You and me 教案

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:82次 大小:122852Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 1 You and me 教案 1教学目标 1、能简单询问别人的长相,以及相关的具体个人信息,并能进行比较。例如:What’s …like? How tall are you? How heavy are you? How old are you? How long…? How big…?【来源:21cnj*y.co*m】 2、能听懂会说:I’m… than …. My … than yours… My … kg... My… cm long.等句子,并能在实际情景中运用。【出处:21教育名师】 3、能够掌握五上unit 1 和六下unit 1的四会短语词汇和句子。 2学情分析 六年级学生已经有了一定的学习能力,教师要及时引导,调控课堂。 3重点难点 1、重点掌握形容词的比较级以及对个人信息咨询的句子。 2、难点比较级的归纳和在情景中的应用。 4教学过程 Step1 Warm up 1. Greetings between T and SS T: Hello, everyone, I’m very happy in Feixian, Are you happy? Let’s make good friends【版权所有:21教育】 T: Who is your … teacher? S1: She is … T: What’s she like? S1: She is . … (设计意图:通过师生交流,引出部分话题) Let’s have a chant. T: We know our teachers are young, beautiful, smart, and kind, sometimes they are strict. Now let’s chant for them.21教育名师原创作品 课件展示Chant 内容: My math teacher is very smart, My English teacher has a kind heart, My P.E teacher is very strong. My music teacher sings nice songs Young, smart and strong. Strict and kind, how they are I love them, that’s they are. Ss: (Clap their hands and say together with T)(学生看课件) (设计意图:以chant 形式总结部分形容人的形容词,同时德育渗透:尊敬热爱老师) Step 2 Words, grammar and usage A. Words revision 通过课件展示姚明和刘星照片,让学生讨论他们的长相。集体参与,共同梳理形容人的形容词。 T: Our teachers are hardworking, we should love and respect them. Now besides you and me, here come two famous people,21教育网 Look, who are they? What are they like? S1: They are Yao Ming and Liu Xing. S2: Yao Ming is tall. S3: He is strong and heavy. T: What’s Liu Xing like? S4: He is thin. S5: He is short and young. SS: He is funny, smart and active. (设计意图:讨论明星,增加兴趣,同时复习所学形容词) B. Comparatives revision 用课件展示俩明星的全身照,让学生进行比较。 给学生自主复习时间,用… than … 句式。 T: Now, let’s compare them. Who is taller? Stronger?.. Please discuss in groups for two minutes. S1: YaoMing is taller than LiuXing. S2: YaoMing is stronger than LiuXing. ( 学生利用课件提供比较级词进行运用) (通过教师引导示范,复习名词所有格及部分物主代词在比较级中的运用。) T: What about their arms and legs? Whose arms are longer? Look, you can say: YaoMing’s arms are longer than LiuXing’s. Please go on comparing. S1: YaoMing’s legs are longer than LiuXing’s. S2: LiuXing’s shoes are smaller than YaoMing’s. (设计意图:给学生自主复习,整体呈现比较级,以表格形式加深印象) C. 限时比赛 T: YaoMing is cool. Look, Am I cool? Am I strong? Am I heavy? Please compare you with me. Have a match, let's see which group can make most sentences in thirty seconds.21·cn·jy·com Group A : I’m taller than you, I’m thinner than you, you are heavier than me, My nose is smaller than yours….2·1·c·n·j·y Group B: I’m …. Group C: I’m … Group D: I’m … T: Group B is the winner. Congratul ... ...

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