
Unit5 Water Speaking&Writing(课件+练习+音频)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:58次 大小:43517776Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit5 Water Speaking&Writing同步练习 一、补全对话。 A. But your report may not be the best. B. How great your idea is! C. It is a good topic. D. It's said some factories pour waste water into the river near our city.E. Would you love to do it with me F. What a pity! G. Well, our environment needs everyone’s effort. Anna: What is the topic of your project Alice: About pollution in our city. Anna:_____ Alice: The pollution is rather serious._____ Anna: It may pollute our water. Alice: We should do a survey near the river and take action. Anna: _____ Alice: I'll write my report and do something for it._____ Anna: Sure! Let's work together. Alice: The city is our home.It is our duty to make it clean and beautiful. Anna:_____ 21世纪教育网版权所有 二、完型填空。 When it rains, water f ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com" \o "欢迎登陆21世纪教育网 )alls from clouds in the sky to the ground. How does the water get into the __1__ It is something called the water cycle.21cnjy.com There i ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com" \o "欢迎登陆21世纪教育网 )s always water in the air, but you can't always __2__ it. It's called water vapor (蒸汽). The __3__ heats up water in rivers, lakes, and oceans. The water __4__ water vapor. It goes into the air.21·cn·jy·com High i ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com" \o "欢迎登陆21世纪教育网 )n the sky, it is __5__ at first. When water vapor gets cold it becomes __6__ again. You can see this __7__ when you have a cold drink on a warm day. Water is on the outside of the glass. Does the glass leak (漏) No, water vapor in the air turns into water when it __8__ the cold glass.21教育网 Millions of w ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com" \o "欢迎登陆21世纪教育网 )ater drops come together in the sky. They __9__ clouds. Wind moves clouds. And the water vapor in clouds cools off and changes to water. Then the water __10__ to the Earth. Rain falls ba ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com" \o "欢迎登陆21世纪教育网 )ck into the oceans, lakes and rivers, The sun turns it into water vapor. The water cycle starts all over again.【来源:21·世纪·教育·网】 ( ) 1. A. river B. trees C. grass D. sky21·世纪*教育网 ( ) 2. A. see B. smell C. look D. hear ( ) 3. A. sun B. moon C. earth D. star2-1-c-n-j-y ( ) 4. A. comes ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com" \o "欢迎登陆21世纪教育网 ) from B. takes in C. arrives at D. turns into ( ) 5. A. warm B. cold C. small D. large ( ) 6. A. rain B. cloud C. water D. wind ( ) 7. A. happen ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com" \o "欢迎登陆21世纪教育网 ) B. climb C. push D. disappear ( ) 8. A. stirs B. identifies C. tests D. touches ( ) 9. A. remain B. make C. find D. collect ( ) 10. A. falls B. lies C. leads D. provides 三、写作。 下面是自制草莓酱(strawberry jam)的做法,请根据下列提示写一篇不少于60词的短文。提示:2·1·c·n·j·y 1.买草莓,最好是自己刚摘的新鲜草莓; 2。把草莓洗干净; 3.在草莓里放糖: 4.加热大约半小时。 _____ Unit5 Water Speaking&Writing同步练习答案 一、1-5 CDBEG 二、1-5 DAADA 6-10 CADBA 三、 (One possible version) I like eating bread with strawberry jam ve ... ...

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