
Unit 1 Welcome back to school! PA Let’s talk 课件+素材

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:87次 大小:13789908Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit One Welcome Back to School! 1 period 1 A Let’s talk boys girls Hello, boys and girls . Good morning, boys and girls! Good afternoon, boys and girls! Hello! Look and say 新学期开始了,又见到了 同学和老师,怎样打招呼? Hello! Nice to see you again. Hi! Nice to see you, too. Nice to see you, too. Welcome back to school! Nice to see you again. Look, boys and girls. I have a new book. I have a new …. We 我们 新的 We have many friends. How many friends …. How many new friends ? …. We have a new friend, Amy. We have a new friend, Zhangpeng. We have two new friends today. We have ____ old(老) friends. nine new friends 新 朋友 two new friends have two new friends We have two new friends 有 我们 We have two new friends today. 今天 我的家乡 the Statue of Liberty White House the USA=America I’m from the USA. Hi, I’m Sarah. I’m a girl. China. I’m from Hello, I’m Wu Yifan. I’m a boy. Canada. I’m from Hi, I’m... I’m a … What about Amy and Zhang Peng Amy和Zhang Peng来自于哪里? 请仔细听录音,回答问题。 the UK Shandong Let’s recite 1 2 3 4 ___, I’m ___. I’m a ____. I’m from_____. UK=British Big Ben (大本钟) the UK Welcome! ___, _____. _____. _____. I’m from China Shan dong Welcome! 五岳独尊 A: Hi, I’m ____. I’m from _____. What about you 你呢? B: Hi, I’m ____. I’m from _____. Nice to meet you! A: Nice to meet you, too. What about you 你呢? 小 结 boy girl new friend today UK 词汇: 句型: We have two new friends today. I’m from America. Welcome! China, China, I’m from China. USA, USA, I’m from the USA. Canada, Canada, I’m from Canada. UK, UK, I’m from the UK. 德国 Germany 法国 France 韩国 Korea 你认识这些国家的国旗吗? 澳大利亚 Australia 俄罗斯 Russia 日本 Japan 英国 England UK China Canada America USA Homework 1. 跟读书上P4至少5次,背诵并签字。 2.预习书上P5。

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